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Zanele   : hey baby , how are you ?
Thando  : I am good baby how are you ? Zanele where are you because I have not seen any notifications la kule phone about you getting whatever that you want .
Zanele    : I wanted to confirm if is it fine if I buy this beautiful dress but it's a bit high as in like R3500 .
Thando   : get whatever that you want even if it might cost R40 000 I don't care . besides that's unlimited .
Zanele    : ooh thank you . I love you 
Thando   : I love you more sthandwa saam .

I bought everything that I wanted . since well someone accompanied me I asked what she wanted .

Siphokuhle  : uhm let's go to mr price .
Zanele    : ooh okay no problem .

we went there and she ran to buy this Minnie skirts , she likes wearing short things .

Zanele   : only that ?
Siphokuhle : yess .
Zanele    : can you grab something else .

she bought some shoes and crop tops .

Zanele   : where would you like to eat ?
Siphokuhle : I dont know , anywhere .

we entered this restaurant and ordered some meals which was pasta salad and roasted meat . we ate there and she was enjoying her food .

Zanele   : we met you have not really told me about yourself .
Siphokuhle : well I am siphokuhle maake and I come from eastern cape . I live with my dad and mom we are a huge family . well we don't have money but atleast they are trying . I have 2 big brothers theres actually nothing much about me . I am just a simple girl .
Zanele   : oh okay , well I am Zanele mbhele from KZN . I don't have parents and I have a miserable life but thank God I have a man that loves me . I was kidnapped for like 4 years .
Siphokuhle  : kidnapped ?
Zanele   : yess but that's a story for another day .

I paid the bill and we immideiety drove off . I dropped her off at res and I went home finding my lovely boyfriend waiting for me . I kissed him and he lifted me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist . we sat down .

MY MISERABLE LIFE ( BY MISS MGIDI ) Where stories live. Discover now