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The house was a 1 and half drive away from the airport. Well, i'd say the mansion and not house. It was painted entirely white and had never-ending gardens running down on all sides of it. 

"Woah," I said surprised. It was breath-takingly majestic and the smell of the flowers from the gardens filled the air. "It's beautiful."

"Thankyou," Joanne smiled. "Come on now darling. Your sisters await."

I smiled at her and my dad patted my head following Joanne into the house. I grabbed my suitcase and a young guy of about my age stopped me.

"Please madam, we shall escort your luggage to your room safely."

"Selena." I blurted out.

He seemed puzzled and all i could notice was his perfectly combed dark brown hair. He had huge eyelashes that made his green eyes stand out.

"Call me Selena," i smiled at him and he nodded in respect. This whole royal treatment was irritating and not to mention their accents. "What's your name?"

"Zachary, madam. And your driver is my father."

"I said call me Selena, Zachary." I flashed him a smile again and he didn't return it. How rude.

I shrugged grabbing my backpack and walked into the front door of the house.

It had millions of paintings hanging on the walls and a large number of vases.

"This way Madam," Zachary led me into the dining room.
I gave up telling him to call me Selena.

The dining room was as huge as our whole house back in LA. The table was set with different types of dishes which looked heavenly no doubt. Probably because i was starving.

"Selena," my dad called out to me. Everyone was already at the table. "Come meet your sisters."

Two girls sat really obediently and had their hair neatly tied in a bun. They both had blonde hair like their mum and looked the same age.

"Hello," i smiled to them and they both smiled back at me.

"Im Cinder," the one wearing a green shirt spoke. "And this is my twin sister Macy." She pointed to the one sittinf next to her in a pink one.

"Nice to meet you," i shook each of their hands. They were unindentical twins though but were as beautiful as their mum. I felt like a fish out of water that just drowned in mud. I didn't understand that why did being rich mean that you had act like royalty.

"Darling, help yourself," Joanne smiled. Ugh, i could not stand this. Or Cinder or Macy. Or this enormous house. I missed my friends and Julian. My dad seemed happy. He merrily chatted away with them and for the first time in years i could see the joy through his eyes. Which is why i didn't say anything. He deserved this happiness.

"This is going to be your room," Cinder showed me around their huge house. They had like 10 extra rooms meaning a total of 13 rooms in this freaking mansion. There was enough space for all the homeless people in America.

My room was, not so surprisingly, pretty huge too. It had a big window which had the view of the garden around the house. And there was a king sized bed in the middle provided with a dressing table.

"Your belongings are already here," she continued. "If you need anything, just ring that bell on the wall beside your bed and a servant will come to your assistance."

"Thanks for your everything," i said dryly. It came out like that even though i didn't mean to sound so rude.

She nodded and was off.

I plopped down on my bed and connected the wifi on my phone.
Several messages popped up on my whatsapp.

Have you reached?
Where are you?!
I miss you
Sell!!! Let us knoww when you reach!

But i only decided to reply to one.

Me: i miss you too :( x

Julian: Omg! Finally, i was so worried babe

Me: nah, everything's allright

Julian: how are you? How's glasgow?

Me: its fine, Joanne's freaking rich. She owns like a palace or something. I don't like it

Julian: lol i don't see how that is such a bad thing babe x

Me: its bad because i miss LA, i miss you and everyone else

Julian: you will visit LA though right?

Me: i hope so x

Julian: i shall be waiting for your pretty face ;) x

I smiled at my phone. Leave it to Julian to be cheesy. Me and him had been dating for 2 years, and when i told him that i was moving he said we could survive a long distance relationship even though i had insisted on breaking up. He said that since we really loved each other, nothing could come between us.

Me: ugh babe don't make me miss you even more

Julian: Sel baby x

Me: Yes?

Julian: i love you x

Me: I love you too x

I fell asleep texting Julian that night and i didn't even unpack. I couldn't even be bothered as i was so tired and i needed to talk to him. Although the next day was going to be a big day.

I was scared how i was going to adjust into a new house and well a new country. God help me.

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