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Harry unexpectedly showed up outside the house at 1 am the next night. My phone rang.

"Where you asleep?" I heard him say on the other end.

"Yes, why?" I yawned. I was asleep well till he woke me up with his call.



"To M&D's ofcourse ya muppet."

We were lying there again, in the centre of the theme park. The place where we shared our first kiss, our first hand touch, our everything.

"Why were you ignoring me?" I asked.

"I wasn't," he replied firmly his face intense.

"Yes, you were Harry. I don't understand you."

"Maybe you shouldn't even try to."

He was pissing me off. This guy was impossible to understand. How was i supposed to help him when he would not even open up to me.

He got on top of me and held my arms over my head, gripping them tight. "You don't know what it's like to live with an Uncle who's drunk ass."

"I thought you said you had foster parents."

"I lied Selena." He had tears in his eyes and i could see the bruise under his eye even in the moonlight.

"Harry," i spoke gently and softly. "It's allright. I'm here for you, i promise."

He shook his head vigorously. "I drink. I smoke. I screw girls. I am bad for you."

"But you can be good!"

"For fucks sake!" He tightened his grip on my arms.

"Harry you're hurting me," i shrieked and he let go of my arms abruptly as he got off me.

"Stupid!" He cursed himself.

There was a loud thunder and it started drizzling slowly.

"We better go," i said placing my hand over his shoulder but he shoved it off.

The drive back home was long and silent. It was raining cats and dogs, like literally.

"Harry," i tried to break the silence and he drove quietly. "Please let me be there for you."

"Just shut up allright, Selena," he replied angrily.

"Why the hell are you being so mean?!"

He brought the car to a stop. "When are you going to get this into your head?"

"Get what?"

He smacked his hands against the steering wheel. "Can't you see that i am bad for you? Why? Why do you still care for me?"

"Because i just do!"

"Get out of my car." His voice was so stern that it made me cry.

"Harry please.."

" i said get out of my car now!"

I got out of the car and immediately got soaked in the rain. I stomped to the other side of the car, opened his door and pulled him out.

"Are you mental?" I grabbed the front of his hoodie and shook him. "Cant you freaking see Harry?"

The rain was pouring down hard and we both were dripping.

"Can't you see that i love you!"

Tears slipped down my cheeks which were probably not even visible in the rain, but he seemed surprised by my confession.

"Please Harry, don't push me away. I love you and i don't care what you do or if you lied. Just please, let me be there for you."

He looked at me blankly, just stared.

"I don't know when or how i fell in love with you, i just know i did. Every time i see you, i just want to touch you and want to see you smile. And when you're not around, it makes my heart ache. If that's not love, then i don't know what is!"

In reply, Harry just crashed his lips into mine. A kiss so deep that it made my mouth burn. He shoved me against his car and kissed me harder. Sparks were flying everywhere as his kiss electrocuted my insides. Everything seemed to be spinning so fast that it was hard to keep balance.

He lifted me up into his arms and opened the door to the backseat of his car. He gently lay me down on the seat and closed the door getting ontop of me.
His hair dripped water onto my face as he kissed me again. I could feel his warm, plump lips so soft and wet against my neck as he trailed his kisses down to my collar bone. My body was bursting with ecstasy and a need. A need for him. A longing for him. Just him.
He pulled his hoodie over his head, taking it off followed by his t-shirt.
He was undressing himself. I wasn't ready for this, not at all. But i did not care. I wanted him, all of him in this moment.

Harry helped me undress after he was wearing nothing but a pair of boxers. I brushed my fingers across his flawless abs.

"Harry," i whispered softly as he removed every last piece of clothing from me.
I kissed and nibbed at his earlobe. This feeling was new and amazing too. All i knew was that i was sharing this moment with the person i loved.

We lay for what seemed like hours together in the back seat of his car. I lay ontop of him with my head on his chest. I had just had my first time in a car, but it was the most perfect night ever nonetheless.

"I love you so much," i whispered lovingly to him and he kissed me in reply. His eyes sparkled with joy and love in them. He didn't say those words with his mouth but his eyes said them a million times over and over.

"So now you're officially MY muppet," he grinned rubbing my back softly with his fingertips.

"I don't mind that at all actually." I chuckled and planted a kiss on his chest. "Promise me something though."

"Anything, love."

"Don't ever lie to me again."

"I promise," Harry smiled and caressed my forehead.

I believed myself to be the luckiest girl in the world because i now had Harry by my side. My life was now complete and hopefully, so was his.

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