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"Where have you been all night?!" Yes i was busted when I got home after my night with Harry.

"I was just out, dad." I replied. Joanne and Dad were waiting for me in my room when I got home.

"Just out?" Dad was furious. "You have never behaved this way. It's bloody 3 am!"

"Maybe you should figure out why i am behaving like this now!

"Don't talk to your father like that," nne scolded.

"Don't talk to me like you're my mother," and ladies and gentlemen Selena had finally snapped.

Joanne gasped and stormed out of my room.

"Selena," Dad scolded. "What is the matter with you?"

"Like you care dad," i said angrily. "Please just let me be."


"Good morning," i said to Harry when i saw him in school the next day. He was awfully surprised to see me being nice to him for the first time.

"You're exceptionally cheery today,"he teased. "Normally you'd be irritated by my presence."

"I still am," i shoved him playfully and he laughed. "Shall we walk to class together?"

"Sure," he shrugged and we walked together down the hallway.

"How are you?" i asked him trying to make conversation.

He nodded. "Good, good. What about my muppet?" He messed up hair.

MY muppet he had said.

I flushed. "Y-yeah i'm g-great."

Harry flashed me his smirk and shoved me against a locker. "What's the matter love?"

Once more, we were in this awkward position with his face only an inch apart. I dont know why he kept doing this to me. He held my arms over my head, his hands tightly gripped around my wrists.

"What the hell are you doing?"I whispered but sternly.

"Don't you like this?" his voice was low and seductive. "Or are you falling for me?" Ugh.

"Eff no!"

He laughed. "You're a terrible liar." Finally he let go of me and we walked to our class without another word, me keeping a little distance from him. This freak was doing it on purpose. Trying to make me fall or him and unfortunately it was working.

We both took our usual seats in class, me in the front and him behind me. My heart kept beating loudly thud thud against my chest. I kept picturing his face so damn close to mine and not to mention his amazing scent. He was driving me crazy and i could tell he knew it.

"By the way muppet," he poked my back with either a pen or pencil, i couldn't tell. "You bite your lip when you lie."

My Scottish Boyfriend Where stories live. Discover now