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1:00 am.

I was still awake as i tossed and turned restlessly in my bed. Every time i closed my eyes i pictured Harry's face and his scent.

I grabbed my phone and texted Julian for the 100th time. It had been a month since he had not answered my texts. I was starting to worry about him. After waiting almost 30 minutes for his reply, i got out of bed.

1:32 am

I groaned and rubbed my eyes. I grabbed a hoodie and put on my boots. Glasgow was always chilly and had a dull weather.
I walked downstairs and to our backyard.
Zachary sat in the middle staring up at the sky. I was surprised to see him there.

"Are you allowed to be here?" I said softly and he turned abruptly.

"I-i was just.." he stuttered.

"It's okay," i walked to him and sat down next to him. "I am not gonna tell."

I heard him sigh. "Why are you still awake?"

I shrugged. "Couldn't sleep. What are you doing here?"

"Just wanted to spend some time by myself," he said rudely. "Got interuppted by a rich ass snob."

"Excuse me?"

"Yeah, that's what you are Selena," i could sense a hint of sarcasm in his voice. "A rich, spoiled, snob."

"Don't compare me to Cinder and Macy," i growled angrily. "I am not rich and not spoiled."

I could see him rolling his eyes even in the dark. "Whatever."

"I don't know why do you hate me Zach?" Without realizing it, i touched his shoulder. "I swear i just want to be friends."

Zach looked at me and this time his eyes didn't have so much hatred in them. "I don't hate you. I just don't like being a servant boy."

"Then don't be," i rubbed his arm gently. "Besides i have never seen you anything like a servant boy. You're just a boy."

And for the second time in a month i saw him smile again. I smiled back at him.
"My dad has been working for the Madisons since like forever," he spoke softly and gently. "My mom died when i was seven. We had no home, no place to live besides the small room that these people gave us. I can't leave my father."

"You want to run away?"

"Even if i did, i have no money. No degree to get a decent job."

"Hey, stop putting yourseld down Zach. Everything will be okay."

He replied to my sentence by crashing his lips into mine. I was awestruck and totally taken off guard. My body started to tremble as i felt his warm lips against mine. I wanted to break free but i couldn't. I wanted to yell at him to stop kissing me but i couldn't, so i kissed him back.

We sag there in the middle of the backyard kissing under the moonlight. He pulled me closer by my waist and deepened the kiss.
I broke the kiss and he rested his forehead against mine. "Thankyou."

"F-for what?" I managed to choke out. My cheeks were flaming along with my whole body.

"For tonight," Zachary smiled sweetly at me and planted another kiss on my lips. He got on his feet and held out his hand to help me up too.

"Goodnight," he whispered softly and gestured me to go back inside.

It felt awkward seeing Zachary the next day while he drove me, Cinder and Macy to school. It was raining too and apparently people made fun of you for carrying an umbrella. When we reached school, i waited for them to get out car first.

"Zach about last night," i spoke once they both had gotten off.

"It meant nothing," he answered dryly. "You'll be late."

I didn't understand him at all. If it didn't mean anything then why did he kiss me in the first place.

"Harry!" Cinder exclaimed as she saw him. He walked over to her and hugged her as she clung onto him for life.

"Hey," he winked at me. Great, like my day wasn't bad enough.

"Lets go," Macy took my hand and literally dragged me away from them. She had barely spoken or even come near me. But this was the first time.

"Woah, slow down Macy." I tried to pull away from her grip.

"Sorry," she let go of my hand quickly. "I just don't like seeing them together."

"Why not?"
"Because he is just using her and Cindy refuses to listen."

Wow, Harry had lost all my respect for him that was left.


"And nothing. She's just going to end up being hurt."

Macy sighed and looked down at her feet.

"Don't worry," i placed my hand on her shoulder. "I won't let him."

I don't know why i had to become heroic because little did i know i was going to regret this. Like really, really regret this.

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