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"How was school?" Dad asked everyone at the dinner table. It had been a long time since we had had family dinner.
"It was great," Cinder and Macy spoke at the same time.
"Glad all three of you had fun," dad smiled.
"Fun?" I rolled my eyes. "I don't hang out with them."
"Why not?" Dad looked concerned.
"Because she prefers hanging out with boys." Cinder giggled.
"Girls, hush." Joanne scolded.

Dad gave me another concerned look.
"Don't worry dad, i am not turning into a hooker." I said and took a bite of my garlic bread.

I sat on my window pane that night. It was a chilly night, not that it ever got warm in Glasgow. I closed my eyes and let the breeze touch my nose. I realized i was unhappy. My Dad barely spent time with me. Julian and my friends no longer cared about me. Cinder and Macy didn't feel like my friends let alone like sisters.
A tear trickled down my cheek. Another one and another. I was crying out the pain in my chest. The pain caused bya longing to be wanted and to be loved.

I watched the quiet, empty street and cried to myself. I watched Zachary pacing along the front of the house. I remembered that night he had shoved me angrily. It made me understand that everyone had a demon inside of them that they're fighting. Like i had my demons, similarly Zachary and Harry had theirs. But i was interested in finding out Harry's demons and help him fight them.

I looked down and saw Harry standing there looking up at me. He had his hood over his head. I was surprised to see him there because it was like 1 am. He gestured me to come down but I shook my head. Dad was already so furious with me, i didn't want to get into any more trouble.

He whistled and i shook my head again.

"Please," he mouthed. And turned an invisible steering wheel. He probably wanted to take me on a drive again.

I sighed and put on my hoodie and shoes, quietly tipyoed down the stairs and out the front door.

"What is it? What are you doing here so late?" I whispered when i walked up to Harry. Without answering my question, he grabbed my hand and pulled me with him.

"Let's go to M&D's," he said in a calm but serious voice.

"But we just.."

"No buts, you're coming with me."

We lay there on the ground in M&D's like we did before, with him holding my hand. He acted so different than he did at school here. So intense, so vulnerable. He smoked three cigarettes for a while and i just watched him. Watched the way his face muscles tensed up as he smoke and the way a line formed beneath his left eye when he smirked.

"Where do you live?" I broke the silence between us.

"35 Terragles Avenue," he said and turned his head to look at me. "Don't show up at my house or something?"

"Why not?" I frowned.

"Because my foster parents don't like visitors. The last time i had a girl visit me they made me sleep in the garage for a whole week."

"That's cruel. Shouldn't you tell the cops?"


"The police i mean."

He scoffed and lit another cigarette. "Yeah right. But just don't show up at my place ever. you can have my number though."

I added his number to my phone.

"Why are you always so, angry?" I blurted out.

He let out a sarcastic laugh. "Angry?"

"Yeah, like so tensed."

"That's just how i am, love," he reached out his hand and pulled a strand of my hair. "Don't you like me this way?"

"W-well i guess I.."

He smiled at me as i struggled with my words and touched my face. "I am not as bad as you think."

"I don't think you're bad at all," i couldn't help but smile back. "I just think you're an asshole."

"And you're a muppet," he grinned. Oh, how i wished he would open up to me.

"I like singing." He said suddenly. I was surprised but glad he was letting out his inner feelings.

"Sing for me," i whispered softly into his ear.

He took a deep breath and after a few minutes, started singing.

I started a joke which started the whole world crying
But I didn't see that the joke was on me oh no
I started to cry which started the whole world laughing
Oh If I'd only seen that the joke was on me

I listened to his beautiful, melodious voice sing that awfully creepy song.

I looked at the skies running my hands over my eyes
And I fell out of bed hurting my head from things that I said
'Till I finally died which started the whole world living
Oh If I'd only seen that the joke was on me

"Harry," i interuppted him. "That song is scary."

"It just describes how i feel, Selena." He replied looking at me. "No one knows i sing though. This could be our little secret."

He gave me his gentle smile and rubbed his nose across my cheek. We spent most of our times just laying there quietly listening to the sound of our breaths. I cherished every single second of it. Because somewhere between the silence and the soft breathing, i was starting to love him. I was getting used to him being around me and i only hoped he felt the same.

My Scottish Boyfriend Where stories live. Discover now