1.The first fight

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Author's note - I don't really know much about how universities work. So I will take some creative liberty on this topic and also about the degree stuff. I hope you understand
Thank you.


Today is the first day of the first year of my college and my scooter had to betray me today itself

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Today is the first day of the first year of my college and my scooter had to betray me today itself. My friends are already waiting for me near the college gate, and here I am sitting in an auto which is stuck in traffic.

Mumbai traffic!

Finally, after 10 more minutes, I reached my college and there standing near the gate were my two idiots : Aditi and Radhika.

Radhika and I are childhood friends and we met Aditi in class 8,and she instantly became a part of our group.

As soon as I reached them,I got a smack on my head from Aditi.

"Really sorry guys, my scooter betrayed me at the end moment and you know about the traffic too!What could I do?", I immediately said before they could start with their curses.

" What sorry? We are waiting for the last 20 minutes. Don't you have any shame?", Radhika said angrily.

"Achha, I will give you guys a treat as a compensation. Now please, lets go inside. ", I replied in urgency as I really needed to reach the library ASAP.

As we walked into the campus, we were met with the beautiful architecture of the college. This is one of the best colleges in India. It is very difficult to get an admission in THE BRIGHT UNIVERSITY, but thanks to our grades, we were able to come here.

As we were looking around, Aditi asked me, "Why did you call us early anyway? "

"Oh, because I needed to go to the library. ", I replied nonchalantly.

Both of them started looking at me with raised eyebrows.
" What? ", I asked them

"You asked us to come early on the first day of the first year of college to go to the bloody library? ", Radhika asked me.

Aditi said, " Are you out of your mind?  Its the first day and you want to go and study?"

Before I could even say anything, both of them started ranting about how mad I am.

"Guys!" I said with my voice a little raised, "let me speak atleast. I am not going there to study, I am going to the library to get that limited edition book I told you guys yesterday about!"

After a few seconds of confusion, realization flushed on their faces and both of them gave me an 'O' look.

I sighed in relief and said, "Now please, lets go or the book will be sold out. "

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