New-Year-Message of the Comintern (SH) 1st of January, 2017

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Long live the 16th Founding Day

of the Comintern (SH)

31st of Dezember 2000 - 31st of December 2016

Dear comrades !

The Comintern (SH) greets all comrades all over the world on occasion of our 16th Founding Day.

We send to you militant New Year Greetings.

Long live the year 2017 - the Centenary of the Great October Socialist Revolution !


In comparison with all the previous Proletarian Internationals, the Comintern (SH) is now, after 16 years, the only one which exists uninterruptedly for the longest period in the history of the communist world movement. This speaks for the genuine significance of the Comintern (SH) and its honorable place in history.

For 16 years the Comintern (SH) has defended the Proletarian Internationals, has defended the glorious history of the revolutionary communist movement, has defended the Soviet Union of Lenin and Stalin and the socialist Albania of comrade Enver Hoxha.

The Comintern (SH) did not only defend the international tradition of the communist world movement. Moreover, in the past 16 years, the Comintern (SH) has further developed the ideology of Stalinism-Hoxhaism.

Nevertheless, after 16 years, the Comintern (SH) is still in the first phase of its construction, in the period of her formation. In this phase, the Comintern (SH) has indeed developed ideologically but we still lack of organizational power and collected not much experiences on the practical battlefields of class struggle. We are not yet able to hit the international class enemies with heavy strokes. We are not yet anchored in the world proletariat, and we have not yet forged the necessary cadres who lead the world proletariat into the international class battles.

Dear comrades,

We have successfully fulfilled already 5 of our Year-Plans

( 2012-2013-2014-2015- 2016).

All these Year-Plans were very important for mastering a great deal of our first period of the formation of the Comintern (SH).

From all these 5 years, the year 2015 was most successful ! The year 2016 was also successful. We made more progress on certain fields of our activities. For example: with over 1 000 new texts in 2016, we surpassed the year 2015. However, in general, the Comintern (SH) did not reach the highest level of achievements of the previous year 2015. 2015, this was absolutely the year of the highest niveau of our activities.

Our weakness in 2016 is particularly determined by the loss of the Portuguese Section. We have lost all contact and do not know what has happened with our Portuguese comrades.

The year 2016, therefore, was a heavy demonstration of what it means to us if one of our most active Sections gets lost !!

Steadfast ideological and organizational unity

- the main factor of the leading role of the

Communist International

(Stalinist Hoxhaists)

16 years ago, we began to raise the flag of the 5 classics of Marxism-Leninism.

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