Capitalist crisis economy - unemployment and misery by Ernst Aust

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This article is published as part of our annual campaign to commemorate the 100th birthday of comrade Ernst Aust.

50 years ago ...

Roter Morgen No. 49; of 15 December 1973 (*)

(*) It was only in 1978/1979 that the Hoxhaist World Movement, under the leadership of Comrade Enver Hoxha's Party of Labour of Albania, made a complete break with Mao Zedong and Mao Zedong ideas.

"China was never a socialist country" [Enver Hoxha].

Capitalist crisis economy - unemployment and misery


Revolutionary way out: SOCIALISM !!!

- 1973 -

With the onset of crisis comes insecurity. Over 500,000 unemployed have been announced from Bonn for this winter. All working people will be affected, even those who will not lose their jobs, because the capitalists will try everything to burden the working class with the entire costs of the crisis. Against this, the struggle must be taken up:

No layoff not one hour of short-time work, not one percent of wage robbery must be accepted without a fight.

But beyond the moment, the question for many colleagues is:

Is it really an inevitable, necessary fate of the workers to be carried away by the whirlpool of the capitalist crisis economy? What our older colleagues, our fathers have experienced - the rotting of the capitalist system from crisis to crisis up to fascism and imperialist world war - must our children go through it again ?

Under capitalism, however, this is the fate of the working class and for the entire labouring people. The revolutionary way out for the working class and for the whole people is called:


While practically in all important imperialist countries the crisis is beginning or is already in full swing, one hears nothing about crisis phenomena in socialist China (*) and in the People's Republic of Albania.

Here, where the working class under the leadership of the Communist Party has conquered political power and built its own state - the dictatorship of the proletariat - there are no unemployed, no bankruptcies with mass dismissals. To speak of the fact that under socialism a steady further development of the national economy, constant economic growth without crises is not an empty phrase or a promise to get the "blue sky". Just as the crisis economy in capitalism is the result of objective economic laws, the crisis resistance of the socialist system is also based on equally objective economic laws.

The basic economic law of monopolist capitalism is that the imperialists want to make the greatest possible - the maximum profit - by exploiting the working class, imposing high prices, depressing wages. Exploitation, impoverishment, ruin are the consequences of their greed for profit.

The fundamental economic law of socialism, on the other hand, involves - as Stalin put it.

"the securing of the maximum satisfaction of the constantly growing material and cultural needs of the whole of society through uninterrupted growth and constant perfection of socialist production on the basis of the most highly developed technology."

With the disempowerment of the capitalists and the smashing of their state as their ruling apparatus, with the expropriation and socialisation of their means of production, an end is put to the exploitation of man by man. Under capitalism, the worker produces the values corresponding to his wages in a fraction of the working day. For most of the working day he toils for the capitalists without pay.

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