Chapter 1

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Pebble opened her mouth to taste the air, it stung of dog scent, what was a dog doing here? Maybe the twoleg did a little walk with the dog. What a stupid idea, anyways. But they would never come this close? Will they? Oh this is weird, atleast it was faint, and there was no other trails. She padded softly up the slope of the clearing and bounded down it, crispy grass crunching violently as she pressed forward. She looked around, opening and closing her mouth for any scent of prey, she finally smelled a mouse, she skidded to a halt before she could make any more sound.
She crouched down on the floor, the long grass tickling her stomach. The mouse was pretty close, she could see it, it was nibbling on something, and it's back was faced towards Pebble. Pebble smirked, easy catch, the breezes were downwind, making her even more unnoticeable, even if it was upwind, that dumb mouse wouldn't know a thing. She padded forward, softly, trying not to press hard on the ground, or else, that easy catch would run away. She was close enough to pounce, trying to calculate something, she knew she doesn't have much time before it would turn around, she pressed hard on the ground with her hind legs. Propelling her up, she then pounced on the mouse, she killed it with an easy bite. So it's dumb scream wouldn't echo through the whole forest. She padded somewhere away from the prey to eat her catch, don't think the prey would like me eating their friends, no? She ate the mouse in violent bites, licking her mouth. It wasn't the most luxurious, most delicious, most appetizing food in the world, but it fed her, that's what counts.

She left some parts of the mouse that she couldn't eat on the floor, meh, who cares? She thought, padding away from it to catch something else.

Pebble had caught a squirrel, and another mouse, they tangled lifelessly under her jaws as she bringed it back to her den, she crouched to get in and placed her prey, she was full for now. Her den wasn't really hidden, you could notice some cat lives there if you pay attention, if no, you're stupid and don't care, you won't notice. It was a little cave, small enough to fit a cat. She was safe from dogs, well no, a big dog exactly. But what damage can a small rascal do? Not enough to kill her, and that's good. It was big enough for a fox to fit through, but if the fox, is fat, and, well, just fat, it won't be able to get in. She curled up in her moss bedding and tried to sleep, pretty hard to know anything could slide in and just kill her in her sleep, but unlikely, or likely, whatever. Her whiskers twitched slightly, as she slept away into the paradise we call a 'dream'.

She had opened her eyes, the light from the sun was shining like a diamond into her eyes. She stretched softly, yawning, she walked a little and try to get outside, before stopping in her tracks. Was that, a voice? She tasted the air, it reeked of many cats, the smell tingled with cat scent and another weird scent. She moved her ear, pointing it outside to hear more of what they were talking.

"One of the patrols said they've found scattered bones, you were in that patrol, weren't you?" A Tom questioned.
"Yes, why?" Another Tom replied.
"Is it true?" The first Tom asked again, the second Tom made a snort of disbelief.
"What? You don't trust your own clan?" They replied back, in an angry tone.
Pebble heard that they were coming closer to her den, she crouched softly, scared, they should not even dare come in here. She thought. "Wait! Do you smell that?" A energetic she-cat meowed, she sniffed the air.
Pebble crouched even further.. oh. No.
"What? Mouse? Were not on a hunting patrol, mintpaw."
Pebble sighed in relief, they didn't smell her.
"No! That!" Pebble knew she pointed to her cave, oh why did I have too say that?
The first Tom made a loud sniff, smelling the air, the other Tom did the same.
"She's right." The voice of the second Tom said.
The first Tom made a snort of disgust.
"Smells of rogues!"


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