Chapter 5

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     Angelina woke up in her comfortable bed, wrapped in warm sheets and a cool pillow. She opened the small curtains in the dorm room and the sun immediately came inside. Shinning the area and waking up Pamela from her sleep. She covered her eyes and turned to the other side of the bed, facing the wall and facing the little darkness left in the room. Angelina looked at her roommate, "Sorry, but I'm not trying to be late to class." Pamela had left a huge fear for Angelina. She was terrified of a breaking a small rule and being locked up in solitary confinement. 

      Pamela groaned, "What time is it?"

       "Almost seven." Angelina grabbed her clothes and went into the bathroom to change. Pamela sprung out of bed, realizing that she had to quickly get ready to make it on time for breakfast. They both changed their clothes, dumping their pajamas on the bed and after quickly making their beds, ran down the stairs. There were minimal children in the stairs as seven was nearing and more kids were waiting for breakfast to be served. Even though they were almost late for breakfast, running wasn't allowed. So, they were speed walking towards the cafeteria, and even then, the speed walking was slower than normal. Quietly, they sat down on the empty spots and waited for the chefs to serve breakfast. 

     After they ate, the whole cafeteria quiet and still after witnessing the boy being dragged away by a guard. The children got out of their tables and began to make their way to their classrooms. The first class Angelina had was World History, Room 20A. After Pamela helped her find her class, they said their goodbyes and entered their classes. Angelina looked around the room, it looked like an ordinary classroom. The tables were the horrible ones she hated; a desk connected to the chair. Unmovable. Chair far from the desk. The whiteboard and teacher's desk were to her right, on the whiteboard it said the date, October 1st, 2019. Along with today's lecture, the continuation of Ancient Greece. Angelina looked for a free seat, scanning the room for whichever desk looked to be unoccupied. There was a white kid a year older than her with blonde scruffy hair, coloring in his sketchbook. She decided to sit next to him because he looked quiet and reserved. He would not disturb her while she tried her hardest to pay attention.

      She took her seat and looked up at the whiteboard, watching her teacher walk into class. An older man, in his late fifties with graying and a balding head. He cleared his throat and placed his bag on his desk, sitting at the computer he logged in and pulled up a powerpoint. By his demeaner, she could already tell he was ready to retire, tired, solemn, not wanting to teach anymore. Angelina wondered why he had not just changed positions. This was a Christian ran school and institution, these people were most likely baptized Christians, maybe priests or nuns... do Christians have nuns? She quickly thought to herself and moved on, they can be something else. A chef, janitor, secretary, and probably much more. 

      As time went on, more kids entered and took their seats. Taking out notebooks, pencils, water bottles, and pens or highlighters. Angelina grabbed her black backpack and quickly scavenged for those items. If these kids were serious about the class, it was for a reason. They all read their notes and annotated. The teacher looked up and noticed Angelina was not doing any of that. She gulped and bit her tongue to not cuss. Another day of having to explain that she was new here and had no notes to annotate. He inspected her closely then typed on the computer before standing up to turn off the lights. She sighed, relieved. Maybe he had checked with his attendance that she was a new student and for today, the rules did not apply. She did not need to read her notes and color on them because she had none. 

     The class stopped annotating, and they looked up at the board. Pencils in hand, they began to write the information that showed up. As of now, there was only the title and the lecture number. Lecture 10, Ancient Greece. Angelina quickly grabbed her mechanical pencil and found a fresh page on her used notebook from her other school's World History class. She as well wrote what the slides had written on them and made sure to pay attention to the teacher as he spoke. 

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