Chapter 6

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     Angelina was carried out of the cafeteria, she tried to squirm her way out, scream for someone to help her. Remembering how the older kids were chasing after the guards who had taken the kids to solitary confinement when the beginning of the riot started. She was also trying to have other kids join this losing battle to continue to fight the armed guards and save them all. But, as she pleaded and tried to kick the guard, she was subdued with a firm grip at the arms and piercing stings up the arm to her neck. She gasped and moaned in pain, becoming quiet after she could the guards finger poking at her bones. It felt awful. The worst pain imaginable. Angelina began to cry as the pain was too much and she began to beg him to stop. Low, cracking voice, she told him to stop. 

      The guard walked into the right of the hallway from the entrance of the place. The forbidden area. He entered a room and entered another hallway, this time walking past a number of doors with only a small window with bars on them and a closed opening that would be used to feed the kids. Angelina closed her eyes, realizing that she had made it. And it looked more like a prison cell than anything. Kids, she could hear, were crying and banging at the door, shouting. Other rooms were quiet, too quiet for anyone to be in there unless, they had given up, knowing that no mattter what they did, there was no escape. Not until the staff members decided their punishment was over. One day. She had to surive one day in this room. It couldn't be bad. 

     The guard opened a door using a key and he tossed her inside. She landed on the cold floor with a thud. Angelina laid on the floor, refusing to look around as she shook in place and held her arms while sobbing quietly. The guard closed the door and locked it before leaving without saying a word. Angelina tightened her grip on her arms, soothing her hurting arms with a comfortable pressure. Biting her lip, she cried and allowed the tears to land on the floor. After a moment, she sat up, hunched her back, hiding her face, still crying. She focused on her crying, letting it all out before going back to reality. Before looking around her new home for the next twenty-four hours. She used her long black hair to cover her face and bit it. It was the only thing she could do to soothe herself, place her hair in her mouth and just cry. 

      Minutes passed and finally, Angelina stopped crying and wiped her eyes clean. Using her shirt, she cleaned the snot and leftover wetness of the tears. Sniffling and with shaky breathing, she could feel herself calming down. Finally, before looking around this freezing room that caused goosebumps all over and a shiver that never stopped, she looked at her arms and rubbed them after noticing they were still red. The inside, her muscles and bones ached to the point she thought of cutting them off to stop the pain. 

      She looked around and saw a crummy mattress, soiled and old. A bucket for her to use when she needed to use the restroom. A small bookshelf that would be the only source of entertainment, Shakespeare books all over. Angelina groaned; this was not entertainment. Reading was not fun. Shakespeare books were basically gibberish. With all the old-timey words, the stories were confusing. She had read only one paragraph of one Shakespeare book, and it was enough for her to put it back on the shelf and never enter a library again. That was in the room. It was empty for most of the part. Angelina finally stood up from her place and walked around. And she walked around. It was the only thing she could do. Think, walk, lay in the bed. For the next twenty-four hours, she would have to use her thoughts for entertainment. And there wasn't a lot to think about without any form of stimulation. 

      Hours passed of her pacing the room, trying to read Shakespear and reminding herself why she didn't read, and lying in bed while trying out different poses. She starfished for a while, then on her stomach, on her back, to the side, and weird poses. One where she laid in the shape of an "L" and another with the reverse "L," except her legs weren't capable of bending backwards in a perfect straight line. Angelina swore she thought of everything she could have. She even began to recite her whole life. Born on July 18, 2005, in Founstain Colorado. Parents were Rebeca and Julius Seneca. She grew up in her home and her parents always cared for her. Until she began school, Rivers Elementary School. Going to school from Pre-K to sixth grade. Teachers... she couldn't remember their names at this point. All she remembered was one teacher whom she loved; her name was Mrs. Hall. Then, she attended Founstain Middle School from seventh to eighth grade. This time was really a take it or leave it time. Not many memories, not that she wanted any. Middle school was the middle child. Forgotten. And finally, she was attending Founstain High School as a freshman and would graduate in 2023. Go to college and live a good life. Get married, have some kids, typical American dream style.

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