Chapter 17

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I paced in my room looking at the messages sent to me by Shaak Ti, there was barely any information on my team. I, like any other Jedi, was given basic details on their squad's abilities. For example, my squad has a sniper, an ammunition expert, an intelligence expert, and their leader.

At least they are all clones, so what could be any different from the other Jedi? I tried to comfort myself from the anxiety. A war? I will be fighting in a war? Alone with this group of clones, in which I don't even know how we acquired these clone soldiers. Also, since they are clones, who are their genetic donors? I heard rumors from others that they came from a planet that wasn't even in our data files. What planet do we Jedi not have in our libraries?

My overwhelming thoughts were interrupted by a single knock at my door. I grudgingly walk over to the door and press it open.

"Hello, my former padawan." Master Tiin stood at my door, smiling at me without his eyes following.

"Master! Oh! Hello, what's the surprise visit for?"

"Are you available for a walk to the garden? I just wanted to discuss something with you." I nodded and quickly put on my shoes once more. I followed next to him in the hallway, hoping that Maul and his padawan had already left.

"Is everything alright Master?" I asked, he chuckled and shook his head.

"Everything will be well." He hesitated as we reached the opening of the garden, we slowly walked in, and to my satisfaction, Maul was not there.

"I understand."

"You do?"

"Master, with all due respect, you were active in a war before as a young Jedi Knight. You know how war will act on itself, but I sense that you are worried, for many other younger Jedi."

"I am not worried for others," He sighed as we found a sitting spot. "I am worried for you."

"But Master, again, with all respect, you trained me. You taught me how to fight and survive countless battles without any previsions. I feel like you prepared me enough."

"That is the joy of being naive, you think you are prepared. But when you are covered in dust and someone's blood, you realize you have no idea what to do next. And that hesitation will get you killed. My padawan, you have been so caring and compassionate since you were a youngling. That's why I suggested to the council that you would teach the next generation of Jedi, you would understand their little minds and nurture them." He looked up to the sky, pain was written across his face, "And now, you must format plans of destruction and chaos. I fear what will become of you." I stay silent and think about his words.

"I am unsure of the future, but I have realized that I am not fearful. The only thing I fear is how some others may react to this war. I fear some Jedi will fall away from the order into the darkness."

"I have been feeling that as well my padawan, Many in the council feel that dark blanket over us, which is why they want to be part of this war, to unveil it and save our way of living."

"I just wished that we didn't need a war to do so."

"I must say I agree. I have seen the damages war has to bring, I think I am not ready to see you partake in those damages." He looked at me with a soft smile. "I'm sorry, I have grown too attached to you as my padawan."

"Is it attachment or is it compassion? Because if I may be honest as well Master, I have a difficult time finding the distinguishing line between them." He chuckled.

"I knew you would." He sighed and stood up, "Go, find your regiment, get to know them well, find compassion for them. I believe I must do the same." I stood up as well and followed him back inside. We bowed to each other as he went off to the living quarters of the temple and I to the exit to find my team. Deep down I wanted to find Maul, talk with him about how he was feeling, and check in on Lonny, but I kept walking down the temple's stairs to find the troopers' living quarters.

As I made my way to the new clone living quarters, I saw Jedi and clones walking side by side. I saw my way to the front of the building as I checked my holopad to see what room this team would be in.

Would it be rude for me to knock at their door? This is their home away from home. Would they consider Kamino their home? They are born there, well developed. Manufactured? No, that sounds cruel... I thought to myself. I reached the large front door. The metal was decorated with carved stone, matching the traditional political design. I walked through the open door and saw clone after clone battalion. I started to feel overwhelmed as I looked for the team's room number.

Clone Force 99? I wonder what they would be like? I took a deep breath as I approached their door. The hallway was bustling with activity, just like outside in the courtyard, I couldn't help but feel a pang of envy at their confidence in each step they took. While there I was, standing outside their door, too nervous to knock.

What kind of leader would they expect me to be? I'm no war hero like my master was. But if he can trust me, I owe myself to do the same. I thought to myself as the door slid open revealing a stern-looking man. He was dressed in clone armor, he had few features that matched that of a clone. He didn't look like a clone, he was too short.

"Jedi Knight Nelia Shulo, I assume?" I smiled, his voice was steady as he eyed me. He must be the leader.

"Yes, that's me!" I chuckled, "You are?"

"Sergeant Hunter, leader of Clone Force 99, better known as the Bad Batch. Please, come in, the cleaning droid came into all rooms to prepare for you Jedi Generals." He ushered me into the room. I followed his lead, my eyes adjusting to the softer lighting in their quarters. The space was sparse but functional. There was a corner of the room littered with weapons and other paraphernalia. There were three other clones seated around the holotable in the middle of their room, the map of our next mission was already up.

"This slump here is Crosshair, our sniper. Wrecker, our demolition expert. And Tech is our intelligence specialist." I smiled and bowed slightly to each one of them, all looking distinctly different from one another. Unlike Hunter, Wrecker was massive, he looked like a tank. Tech, who was busy on his holopad.

"Um... It's wonderful to meet you all." I said Crosshair spat out his toothpick.

"You confused huh? Most usually are. Tech will explain." He pressed himself into his chair, swinging his legs up onto the table. I looked to Tech who muttered,

"It's quite simple, we are genetically altered clones, we all share the same DNA as our doner but we have characteristics that have been enhanced during development."

"Oh, so is that why you all look-"

"What, damaged?" Wrecker interrupted, I was taken aback by his harsh tone.

"I was going to say, differently than most other clones I have seen. I am very honored to be working with such a distinct and specialized group of clones."

"Well, now that's out of the way, shall we get started on our briefing?"

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