Chapter two: Operation Search and Rescue intel/Merricks talk about Jake

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3rd Person Pov

(In the intel area of the UNSC Pegasus of the heavens, Doctor Halsey and Captain Knightly were with Fire Team Caius and two other Elite Spartans named Spartan Jackson Smith and Spartan Vanessa Knightly to discuss their mission to the team.)

Captain Lasky: This is Spartan Smith 691 and Spartan Knightly 2119, they'll be the ranking officers with you on this mission. Intel reports got some footage regarding about Outpost Nova. Before it became Outpost Nova, it was known to be Hell's gate. A base that was established by the RDA before it became over run by the Na'vi's.

(Captain Lasky turned to Spartan Vanessa to his right.)

Captain Lasky: Vanessa, fill them in on the details.

(Vanessa nodded her head.)

Spartan Vanessa: Okay Fire Team Caius, the base before was owned by the RDA before it came under fire by Jake and few other na'vis

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Spartan Vanessa: Okay Fire Team Caius, the base before was owned by the RDA before it came under fire by Jake and few other na'vis. The people in the base went back to their planet while others chose to stay in Pandora. The base wasn't abandoned, Sully contacted the UNSC to turn the base into Outpost Nova.

(The Squad was shocked to here what Vanessa said.)

Spartan Lee: What do you mean the base was turned into Outpost Nova.

Spartan Vanessa: The reason why was because we turned into a testing Facility and Base. Most of the UNSC forces came down on the base for a testing on some of the RDA vehicles that were left behind by the RDA... One of them Being the Valkyrie we found on storage.

Spartan Jane: The Valkyries were in storage and good condition, i thought all the RDA vehicles we're already taken and all?

Spartan Jackson: Well that's maybe what you thought and all, but they're still operational and all when the RDA left, we decided to make some adjustments to the vehicles and all to make it match the ones we have

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Spartan Jackson: Well that's maybe what you thought and all, but they're still operational and all when the RDA left, we decided to make some adjustments to the vehicles and all to make it match the ones we have.

Y/N: But what happened next?

Spartan Vanessa: During our testing, shots were then fired from the side of the base, The troopers engaged the warzone. We believed it was either the RDA who returned but it was different, Doctor Elizabeth Phoenix one of our researchers. With PhDs in biology, anthropology, and psychology, Prof. has contacted use.

Captain Knightly: Sierra, play the footage that we found on the base.

Captain Knightly: Sierra, play the footage that we found on the base

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Sierra: Yes sir. Here's the footage.

(She plays it.)


(The footage ended.)

Spartan Vanessa: That was the footage's last intel, we do believe a blast came from the outside that caused the connection to be abrupted and all.

Spartan Merrick: Was there a lead of what happened in the outpost?

Spartan Jackson: Negative, we were unable to see the footage due to the connection being cut in the base, all cameras recording the footage was disabled and all. We believe following the attack from the base must've been impacted by hostile EMP that affected the base. We're not exactly sure because there was no footage of what happened.

Spartan Vanessa: We arranged this meeting with you Commander Palmer to conduct a search and rescue, We tracked down a distress beacon coming from inside Outpost Nova. We believe it must've been Doctor Phoenix, she must've activated an emergency signal when things went offline... We sent spartan team Onyx to check it out, but this morning we lost contact with them out of the blue.

Spartan Merrick: What's the catch for us?

 Spartan Vanessa: We're gonna join you on the search for them as well with Doctor Phoenix as well, the base might be offline on what you think but there were some weapons we installed on the outpost before it got over run.

Y/N's Pov

(As Y/N was scrolling through the outpost, he realized the outpost name was called Hell's gate.)

Y/N: I know that place... Hell's gate? That's what happened to my mother.

Spartan Logan: What do you mean Spectre?

Y/N: Hell's gate was a base established by the RDA, My mother and her friends we're put into a cell in that base. When they escaped, Colonel Quaritch opened fire on Trudy's Aerospatiale SA-2 Samson, my mother was shot on the escape.

(Y/N felt the flashback of the events of Doctor Grace dying come back on him, but he pulled himself together.)

Spartan Mia: It's okay Y/N, I'm sure doctor Augustine would be happy to see her again. Well Jake i suppose. 

Spartan Merrick: We served with Jake Sully when the RDA came back to Pandora. We assisted him on stopping a convoy... Jake told me something about you, he told me he couldn't find you and that he thought you we're gone.

(Y/N felt saddened that Jake thought he was gone for good, but he realized that Jake was mistaken, He was recruited by the UNSC.)

Y/N: I wish Jake was here with me and all.


(Meanwhile in the hallways, Y/N looked at Pandora through the windows of the UNSC Pegasus of the Heavens... While he was looking, Spartan Merrick and Captain Knightly approached him.)

Captain Knightly: Mind if we join you?

(Y/N turns around.)

Y/N: Of course.

(They stood beside him.)

Spartan Merrick: You know, we did serve with Jake Sully when his conscious was transferred to his Avatar form..

Captain Knightly: True. Jake was a good person, he even talked about finding you but when he saw his foster parents dead, he blamed himself thinking he should've found you before. 

(Spectre remained quiet and told them it's okay. Since he's going to Pandora with them, he'll be sure to find Jake.)

Y/N: Jake may think I'm gone, but in the other hand I'm alive. And I'll be sure to find him.

(Y/N and his squad leader walked to their pelican to be deployed to Pandora.)


(To be Continued)

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