Chapter one: Meeting Fire team Caius/ The UNSC Pegasus of the heavens arrive

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A/N: Sorry if it took long everyone, i was basically making the last touches on this chapter because i wanted to make it looked more detailed. But overall, it's done. Feel free to reach out to me on the conversations or comments regarding about the story and all... This chapter is also a replenished version of the first since i accidentally clicked something that made me publish it next week and all. My apologies for that one.

3rd Person POV

(The Pelican of Fire Team Caius was approaching the UNSC Infinity in the front.)

Spartan Merrick: Spartan Merrick Thompson of Fire Team Caius to the UNSC Infinity, We're are approaching the carrier. Over.

UNSC infinity control: We hear ya loud and clear Fire Team Ciaus, you're clear to land.

Spartan Merrick: Roger that. Approaching now.

(The Pelican of Fire Team Caius go inside the hangar bay... As the Pelican landed, Sarah Palmer and Doctor Halsey waited for them to come out.)

Spartan Merrick: Commander Palmer, it's good to see you again

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Spartan Merrick: Commander Palmer, it's good to see you again. You as well Doctor Halsey.

Commander Palmer: It's good to see you again trooper, the last time if i can remember assisting you was during the battle for New Serena City in Florina Prime with the Insurrectionists.

Spartan Thompson: Yeah... The good old times.

Doctor Halsey: Welcome aboard the UNSC infinity trooper... We would like to introduce to you your newest recruit... Y/N Augustine Code name, Specter.

Y/N's Pov

(As Y/N was called up, he walked towards the group.)

Spartan Merrick: Trooper.

Y/N: Commander Sir.

Spartan Merrick: I'm Merrick, Fire Team Caius. Welcome aboard the team Y/N Augustine.

(As Spartan Merrick welcomed him, his squad was shocked to here Doctor Grace's last name.)

Spartan Mia: Hold on... That's Doctor Augustine's husband?

Spartan Logan: That's not possible, he left them before and now her husband is wanting to side with us after leaving his wife and son?

(Logan and Mia were eventually confused at what Merrick said. But Merrick calmed them down and told them that Y/N was Grace and her ex's son.)

Spartan Merrick: Everyone, calm down... He's not the husband you might think of, no it's not him... This here is Doctor Grace and her Ex's son.

Spartan Logan: So Augustine had a kid before?

Spartan Merrick: Yes, that's correct.

Spartan Mia: That makes total sense now. Sorry if we mistaken you as your Father Y/N, it's just that when we heard your name, we must've moved to conclusions.

Y/N: It's okay, most people back on earth called me my father because i was very violent towards them, normally it's just the bullies i'm always hard on sometimes... But i know i'm not my father, i may have my fathers violence and hatred in me, but in the outside I have my mother's light. She has been very close to me every since she placed me in the foster home.

Doctor Halsey: We found Y/N when he was a little boy, the RDA came for him but Y/N saw the darkness in them and chose not to join them.

(The team snapped and realized what the RDA could've done.)

Spartan Merrick: The RDA?

Spartan Anna: They came for him when he was a kid and they tried to brain wash him to believing his mother died to Jake Sully? That's so bullshit.

Spartan Logan: Exactly, i feel like i wanna kick some RDA assess for what they did tried doing to him right now, Those RDA troopers tried to lay a hand on someone's kid to manipulate him and all.

(As Spartan Logan expressed his anger of the RDA, Merrick calmed him down.)

Spartan Merrick: It's okay Logan, The RDA maybe gone for a while but when they come back. We'll be ready and all. 

Doctor Halsey: Good to here Spartan Thompson.

(As he was talking to Doctor Halsey as well with Commander Palmer, Merrick was interrupted by Captain Edward Knightly, Commander of the UNSC Pegasus of the Heavens.)

Captain Edward Knightly: This Captain Edward Knightly of the UNSC Pegasus of the Heavens, We're approaching beside you.

Spartan Merrick: Good to here captain.

3rd Person POV

(The UNSC Pegasus of the Heavens arrived beside the UNSC Infinity, as it was beside the crater, A Pelican containing Captain Edward Knightly was heading to the hangar bay... As it got inside, Commander Edward walked out of the Pelican and was escorted by a few other ODST's.)

Captain Edward Knightly: It's good to see you again Commander Palmer, Halsey assured me we would meet again

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Captain Edward Knightly: It's good to see you again Commander Palmer, Halsey assured me we would meet again.

Sarah Palmer: It's good to see you again Captain Knightly. We would like to meet your new trooper to your squad Captain, Meet Y/N Augustine the son of Doctor Grace Augustine.

Y/N's Pov

(As Captain Knightly looked at me.)

Captain Knightly: So your Doctor Grace's son... Nice to meet you trooper, and welcome to the Pegasus of the Heavens.

Y/N: It's good to meet you sir. Commander Palmer told me about you and the UNSC Pegasus of the Heavens, it's good to be serving with you sir.

Captain Knightly: Good to hear from you trooper.

Y/N: So what's the news Captain?

Captain Knightly: We have an intel we need to discuss with you and the UNSC Infinity regarding about Pandora.

(Y/N Was shocked to hear the news is about what's going on in Pandora.)

Y/N: What's the news captain?

(Captain Knightly took a deep breathe, until he let out a word.)

Captain Knightly: It's regarding about Outpost Nova. We came here to get you and inform you about the base.

(Y/N was surprised to know why he was recruited to the team.)


(To Be Continued)

A/N: I'm sorry about adding the human ultra magnus to the story, it's not related to transformers and all, no. My friend was looking for the best male character art to have on this story so he chose that one... I hope you guys like it. The next chapter will fill in details of what is Outpost nova. 

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