Chapter 15

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Calypso stood at the door, watching Eve as she sat on the couch, staring off into space. The past few days had been a whirlwind of emotions, especially after Percy had walked out of school and Eve had shown up with that bloody bandage. Things had quieted down since then, but Calypso could still see the weight pressing on Eve's shoulders. She needed a break, something to pull her out of the darkness, if only for a few hours.

"Hey, Eve," Calypso called softly.

Eve blinked and looked up, her eyes tired. "Yeah?"

Calypso gave her a small smile. "How do you feel about getting out of the house for a bit? I was thinking... maybe we could go shopping. You know, just for fun. No pressure."

Eve hesitated. "I don't know... I don't have much money, and I don't really need anything."

"That's okay," Calypso waved it off. "This isn't about needing stuff. It's about doing something fun, getting out, and forgetting about... everything for a while. My treat. What do you say?"

Eve's lips tugged up in a reluctant smile, and she slowly nodded. "Okay... Yeah, I guess that could be fun."

"Great! Let's go then!" Calypso grabbed her bag, practically bouncing toward the door.

As they walked out into the crisp air, Calypso nudged Eve playfully. "Besides, I've been dying to update my wardrobe since we've gotten here. Apparently, Ogygia isn't known for its fashion trends. I need help picking out something modern, and I'm counting on you."

Eve chuckled softly. "You dress fine, Calypso. But I'll help you out. No pressure."


The mall was buzzing with energy as they walked through the large, glass doors. Shoppers bustled around them, moving from store to store, laden with bags and talking excitedly. Calypso's eyes lit up at the sight. To her, this was all still new—being in the mortal world, experiencing its everyday chaos.

"So, what kind of stores do you usually go to?" Calypso asked, glancing over at Eve, who seemed to relax slightly the further they got from home.

"Uh, I don't really shop that much," Eve admitted, shrugging. "Usually just grab whatever's on sale."

Calypso smirked. "Nope, today we're treating ourselves. Sales are great, but let's have some fun. We'll get a coffee first, then tackle whatever looks interesting."

They found a small café nestled near the center of the mall and ordered iced coffees, Eve opting for something simple, while Calypso went for the most colorful, sugary drink on the menu.

Eve raised an eyebrow. "Is that... whipped cream on top of a coffee?"

Calypso grinned. "Apparently. I don't care if it's over the top, it looks delicious."

They sipped their drinks and walked past stores, window-shopping at first. Calypso admired the way the modern world worked, and it was fun watching Eve start to loosen up. By the time they reached their first stop—a trendy boutique with vibrant colors and sleek designs—Eve had already made a joke about Calypso needing to update her "ancient goddess" look.

Inside the store, Calypso was in her element, flipping through racks of clothes and holding up different options to Eve. "What do you think? This top or that one?"

Eve chuckled, shaking her head. "I think you're going for the whole boho-chic vibe."

"Boho-chic?" Calypso repeated, grinning. "I like the sound of that!"

Eve smiled, clearly enjoying herself as she helped Calypso pick out a few outfits. "Try this one," she suggested, holding up a flowy dress. "It suits you."

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