Episode 3 - Silver - Olivia's POV

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Daddy stayed and had tea with me before he realized he was going to be late for a meeting. He dashed off with a wink and a promise to see me in the morning. 

There weren't any scheduled events set to begin until the First Night Ceremony tomorrow evening so I was on my own unless I wanted to spend time with Mother or Xander and neither of those seemed appealing. 

I decided it might be nice to grab a book and go take a stroll around the gardens. 

I changed out khaki slacks for soft dark denim jeans and a sleeveless silk blouse in a cream color that compliments my hair. I sigh as I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror while changing. An ugly bruise on my ribcage has turned yellow and green in the process of healing. I turn slightly and check a fresher one above my hip that's still tender. 

Hopefully they won't impact my ability to compete in the games since Mother is expecting me to participate. My ability to heal is slower than other shifters due to the distance Orla has put between us. I won't be as fast or as strong as I should be either but I haven't figured out how to get out of the competition yet. 

I throw a sweater over my arm and breeze out the door. I could easily find my way to the library, but I don't really feel up to running into anyone so I take a detour to the third floor. There's a little reading nook there with a comfortable chair and window seat to accompany some small bookshelves. The window is a great place to see people coming and going to the house. 

The sound of my steps muffled by the thick rug running the length of the hall making the space feel more intimate despite the size. If I remember correctly there are some guest rooms at the far end and a stairwell hidden behind a wall panel that leads to the kitchen on the first floor for the omegas to use. 

I am almost to the reading nook when I hear the click of a door opening and shutting. I freeze and brace myself for the probable social interaction. 

But after a few heartbeats no one appears. I breathe a sigh of relief and continue on my way. 

As I step into the reading nook I catch a faint scent of espresso and ... pastry of some sort? The kitchen must be preparing coffee and snacks for the Alpha Meeting. 

I scan the shelves for something to take with me to the garden..... history books, poetry, science fiction and..... I spy a book that's been left on the bench and pick it up. The cover is a floral illustration that I recognize. The third book of a popular supernatural romance series that I am secretly a fan of. 

One of the pages is dog-eared like the previous reader expected to return for it later. 

Too bad, their loss. I'm taking this one with me and tuck it under the sweater I'm carrying just in case I run into anyone. 

I proceed to use my knowledge of the house to duck, dodge and wind my way through the building and successfully make it to a side entrance for the rose garden without bumping into anyone.

The garden is in bloom. Expertly and lovingly cared for. Simon's grandfather had it built for his Luna as a gift when they were mated. I loved hearing that story when I was younger. The kind of romance every girl dreams about having. 

I find a bench towards the center of the garden under a sweeping trellis of white roses. The petals have a soft silvery sheen that reminds me of the moon. If the moon goddess were here, surely these would be her favorite. 

Maybe I should have some gathered up to wear in my hair for the ceremony tomorrow. Mother wouldn't approve, as it might make me stand out in an overly eccentric way. 

I lean back against the bench and fold my legs under me. I sneak the book from under my sweater and flip to the first chapter to start reading. 

I don't know if it's the warmth of the late afternoon sun, the time spent traveling or the emotional toll from being here for the first time in six years but I start to feel drowsy. The words on the page start to blur together as I struggle to keep my eyes open. 

But then there's a buzz in my head and suddenly it feels like I'm on high alert. My hearing is sharper, my sense of smell more keen. I jolt upright and my eyes dart around the area, feeling the pressure of a presence but not able to locate where from. 

'You're going to die soon.' 

I suck in a breath. A little girl, no older than six or seven is standing at the end of the bench. She has pigtails and is dressed in pink overalls. Her words are an ominous contrast to her appearance.

She tilts her head to the side, her eyes flashing from deep brown to silver. With a shrug she states matter of fact tone 'You should have died already but you didn't!' 

I chuckle nervously 'Hate to break it to you kid, but everyone dies eventually.....' 

This is impossible. You aren't supposed to get your wolf until you turn 18, but her eyes went silver. Silver wolves are a legend, and sometimes that legend mentions the gift of prophecy. 

No, it had to be a trick of the light because in front of me now is just a normal little girl. 

'What's your name, kid?' Trying to move the conversation away from the realm of creepy omens. 

She lights up 'I'm Cassie. That's short for Cassandra' 

I nearly choke, 'Of course it is, your parents must have a sense of humor.' I need to extract myself from this situation quickly before it gets any more weird. 

I look down to mark the page I'm on and suddenly the tension lifts, but a chill runs through me. I turn to tell her she should find her parents, I find myself talking at empty space. 

She's gone. 

I hadn't heard a single step. She just vanished into thin air. 

I bolted to my feet, dropping the book and sweater as I grasp at my throat suddenly overwhelmed with the feeling that I can't breathe. The crisp scent of icy water and blood fills my nose. The moment feels like it stretches into eternity and like a bubble popping everything returns to normal. 

I snatch up my sweater and make my way back to my room swift enough that I can see concern on the faces of several of the omegas as I pass them. I slam my door shut and rush to the bathroom, gagging and dry heaving over the toilet. 

What the hell was that?? 

I can see myself in the mirror. The terror I feel visible in my eyes. 

I haven't had that panic attack - the smells of water and blood, the feeling that I can't breathe - in over ten years. 

What is happening to me? 

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