Episode 7 - B-O-O-K - Olivia's POV

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Daddy woke me up early with an offer to drive me over to the Training Facility to get a workout in. 

I slid into the passenger seat of the car, squinting in the sunshine that did not match my mood.  I was tender from the altercation the previous night but decided exercise might be good for me even though I disliked being up at this time. 

Daddy chuckled “There’s my bright ray of sunshine”  He handed me a water bottle.  “Water for the lady, with extra electrolytes, and flavored like a bomb-pop”

I snagged it from him.  “Peace offering accepted.” 

We start to pull out of the drive “Why did you want to head over there this morning?  I didn’t think there was anything scheduled for today.” 

“Well, honey, things changed when a bunch of those younger alphas got together and decided they just absolutely needed to spar with each other, so that training should have started a little bit ago.  I’d like to be around for that. “ 

There was something he wasn’t telling me but I didn’t have the energy to pry it out of him. 

The training facility was one of the best around.  I knew Simon had started opening it up for other packs to come train at, giving them the opportunity to access state of the art equipment while also giving his warriors a chance to train with multiple types of combatants. 

I hesitate when Daddy takes the right hand corridor that leads down to the arena.  I can hear the racket the Alpha teams are making and I decide to go on my own to the left where the locker rooms, cardio equipment and pool are. 

I put my hand out to push the door of the women’s locker room open and out of the corner of my eye catch sight of something odd in front of the Men’s side door. 

A novel with a floral cover. 

I go over and pick it up.  It’s the same book I’d had with me yesterday.  My brow furrows in confusion. 

Ah, I DID forget to bring it back with  me, but why would it be here? 

I flip through the pages and smile.  Something about seeing the second person’s dog-eared page move a couple chapters makes me feel a connection to this unknown entity.  We are accidently sharing the same time and space within the cover of the book. 

I bring it closer to my face as if I could glean additional information about the person from the pages.  There’s a hint of bitter coffee and sweet donuts lingering there. 

They must work in the kitchen, I decide.  Or maybe they brew specialty coffees at a high end cafe.  Or travel the world in search of the world’s best donuts. 

My ideas get more and more fanciful as I enter the women’s locker room, tuck the book in my bag and change clothes.  I gingerly prod where Xander’s claws had cut at me yesterday and oddly enough the wounds had closed up already. 

I frown.  That’s unusual. 

The bruises that I'd previously had were also just ghosts on my skin. 

I wish I could ask Daddy about it, but that would mean admitting that I hadn’t been able to communicate with Orla in six years.  And then also explain why that happened. 

Better to just wait and see what happens. 

I make my way over to one of the treadmills, pull my headphones on, and start the machine.  Even as I run, i keep track of the other women coming and going in the room.  I can feel their eyes on me, always watching, always comparing. 

I may argue with her methods, but Mother’s lessons were hardly ever wrong. 

There is a tremendous gap between us and others.  People who are jealous are just waiting to stab you in the back.

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