Episode 8 - Renaissance - Olivia's POV

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We file into the the house behind Daddy.  I’m grateful that the Alpha aura doesn’t impact immediate family because I can feel it radiating off of him.  The omegas we pass by are forced into submission, tilting their heads to the side, exposing their necks in the process. 

We find Mother perched on the edge of a delicate chair.  Despite the hurricane that just blew into the room, she pours tea into a china cup so fine it’s almost translucent.  Her expression is stepford wife neutral. 

“Are you out of your mind?”  Daddy roars at Xander. 

“You humiliated me in front of everyone!”  He snarled back. 

I slide around to stand behind Mother’s chair.  They continue to yell at each other.  I hear a soft tink of the teacup meeting the saucer and Mother clears her throat. 

“Could one of you please explain what happened?” 

Daddy turns toward her, a growl in his chest.  His eyes are amber as Bram has pulled to the front.  He raises his finger and points at her.  “YOUR SON thought it would be a good fucking idea to shift and attack another Alpha from behind.  AFTER losing to that Alpha in a spar.  IN FRONT OF damn near half the Alphas, Betas, and Gammas here!” 

He narrows is eyes at her.  “Go ahead, dear wife, find some way to justify his actions this time.  I would love to hear it.”

Xander, still bristling also turns to her.  “And then he decides to APOLOGIZE to that smug fucker.  APOLOGIZE!!  That guy should have been bowing at my feet that I even gave him a chance to spar with me.” 

I brace myself for what’s next.  Daddy turns on Xander and grabs his collar bringing them nose to nose.  “And THIS is why I cannot let you take over the pack yet.”

There is a tap at the door and all our eyes shift there.  It opens and the butler is there, fighting against the forced submission coming from two Alphas creating a nuclear blast zone with their auras.  I’m almost tempted to laugh because the scene looks like a bad Renaissance painting. 

“Sirs, respectfully the young master has asked if you could kindly reduce your auras or take this….conversation….elsewhere.  We’ve had reports of at least three maids fainting, and several others sick or paralyzed as a result.”  The butler bows and closes the door softly. 

Daddy releases Xander and sits in the armchair.  He runs his hands through his hair and takes a few deep breaths.  I can feel his aura being pulled back in. 

He waves Xander to sit on the sofa across from him.  “And put your dick back in your pants Xander.  Livie, have a seat next to your brother”

Ah, look at us.  One happy family having tea together and chatting about kittens and family values. 

I bring the tea that Mother has poured for us to my lips.  I take a sip and grimace inwardly.  I hate this tea.  It tastes like old grass and she won’t let me add sugar to it.  And I am certainly not complaining about the flavor of the tea in this situation. 

Mother speaks up.  “Now that you’ve gotten that out of your system, gentlemen, how about we discuss this like civilized people?  And without making the help faint in the process….”  She pointedly looks at Xander, who still hasn’t pulled in his aura.  “Now.” 

I can feel his presence retract next to me. 

Mother turns her attention to me.  “And you, what part do you have to play in this…..unfortunate…..event?” 

Oh no, not going to let myself get roped into this drama. 

I raise my other hand in a sign of innocence. “Absolutely nothing, Mother.  I was simply at the training facility at the same time.”  She arches a brow at me and I continue. “On the other side of it.  I didn’t step foot near the arena.” 

She nods in approval, “Good decision, Olivia.  You didn’t lower yourself to drooling over a bunch of half naked men.” 

She turned her attention to Xander.  “Now, I'm sure you have a perfectly good explanation for your actions, if you would like to share them with us.” 

I sneak a look at Daddy.  His lips are pressed together and a muscle is twitching in his jaw. 

“Mom, I was just trying to be helpful.  You know, as the future leader of a powerful pack, I should share my skill and knowledge with the lesser Alphas.  Creating good relationships secures our borders.” 

I swear if i hadn’t seen how furious Daddy was, I would almost be inclined to believe him. 

“Edwin, dearest, that sounds perfectly acceptable.” 

“Fine.  I’ll accept the bullshit about how the spar started, but there is no excuse for what you did.”  He says through a clenched jaw.  “Our whole society is built around a thin veneer of civility.  We avoid full scale pack wars by following a code, Xander, and attacking an opponent from behind AFTER it was over shows a distinct lack of common sense.” 

“Edwin, i take it you smoothed things over with the fellow”  Daddy shrugs in response. “Who was it, by the way, I could arrange to have a gift sent over if an apology was not enough.”

Daddy holds her look a long time.  I get the feeling something is wrong here.  Well, more wrong than my idiot brother attempting to start a pack war. 

“Atticus Steele” 

Mother gasps and the teacup falls from her fingers.  It hits the floor, shattering.  Mother’s white shoes have a growing stain on them. 

I look back and forth between the two of them, waiting for more information, but Xander, ever socially aware, speaks up first.  “He’s from a nothing little pack, and he didn’t even fight fair.  He cheated!!” 

Mother finds her voice again. “Well, did he, Edwin?  Did he cheat?  If so, then Xander is perfectly within his rights to seek….” 

Daddy cuts her off “I was watching.  It was a fair fight.” 

Mother stands and crosses the room.  I can see her hands shaking, holding her phone.  She even has a strand of hair falling free from her bun. 

Who is this Atticus that he has both my parents this freaked out??

I see her tapping at the screen.  “Sarah, I need you to put together a very nice gift basket for an Alpha.  I’ll send over the details shortly.”  She disconnects the call and joins us again. 

Then, I'm pretty sure Hell freezes over because I watch Mom move to stand behind Daddy and put her hands on his shoulders.  He reaches up and puts her.  I can’t remember the last time I saw any real sign of affection between them. 

Daddy levels his gaze at us.

“Under no circumstances are either of you to have anything to do with Atticus or Benedictus Steele.”

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