Episode 21: Terror - Olivia's POV

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“We should arrive just around midnight.”  

Atticus and I are seated in the back of a black sedan.  A second car with Benedictus is behind us.  I stare out the window, feeling a bit of deja vu since I was doing the same thing just a few days ago - a long drive with my thoughts to keep me company.  

The silence between us stretches.  Even though the slightest shift in his direction would bring me in contact with him, the thought that he has been forced to accept me makes him feel miles away.  

“Please don’t hesitate to nap if you feel like it.”  

I think he’s at least trying to be considerate.  But instead of trying to continue the conversation, he reaches into a bag and pulls out some paperwork to review.  I watch him out of the corner of my eye and from what I can see it looks like financial reports.  He pulls out his phone and looks like he’s comparing numbers and answering emails.  After a few minutes his gaze settles on me.  

“Sorry, I probably shouldn’t be working right now, there are just some deadlines I need to meet…”  He sound apologetic.  

“Don’t worry about it.  I’m used to my father conducting business the same way.”   I know my response is chilly.  I would have preferred to say something like ‘What was your bargain with my father?’  or ‘Do you even want me here?’  I just pack those feelings up into a ball and shove them into the recesses of my mind.  Right now I just need to focus on being the embodiment of a proper Luna.  

Atticus starts to say something, but stops and returns back to his work until the light fades too much to continue.  It is also now too dark for me to see much of anything from the window so there is no sense in pretending I’m watching the scenery.  

“We are further north, so winter comes early here.  If you don’t have some warm clothes, we will make sure to get that done soon.”  

I don’t respond.  And soon he stops trying to find something else to say..  

The darkness, motion of the car and strain from the last 24 hours catch up to me and I drift off. 

I dream of a dance in a cream colored dress, of hot hands and just as my dream Atticus is about to lean into a kiss….

A tap on my shoulder wakes me.  

“We are here.”  

The car has stopped and the driver is opening the trunk to remove luggage.  Atticus gets out of the car.  I wait for the driver to open the door for me, but he doesn’t come.  I wait a bit longer before turning around to see where they are but the driver seems to have disappeared.  Atticus is talking to an older woman and Benedictus is hugging a large blonde that must be his mate.  

Atticus turns back towards the car and opens the door for me.  “Did you fall back asleep?  Come on, we’ll get you sorted”  

I get out of the car and hand my bag out.  The sound of a ten thousand dollar Coach bag constructed in alligator skin hitting the gravel is loud enough that every set of eyes turns toward me.  I stand there, unsure of what happened.  I handed the bag out, there should have been somebody to take it from me.  

There’s ten thousand dollars sitting in dirt and gravel.  

No one is stepping forward to pick it up.  

I bend down and retrieve my bag, slipping it over my arm.  Atticus has shown back up and touches my elbow, offering to lead me in.  

“I’ll come back for your suitcases, but I wanted to make sure you were settled first.”  He guides me up the stairs of a large building with four, maybe 5 stories, and from what I can tell is built in a very log-cabin type feel.  

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