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The scene starts ten years ago when a village was decimated, houses were burning, people were turned to dust, nothing was left except for a boy with white hair and red eyes. 

There were a lot of emotions bottling from him. Pain, anger, sorrow, hatred, despair, and sadness. He was clenching his fist where tears were coming from his eyes. 

Boy: These people, don't deserve to live. 

(Ten Years Later) 

In the year X784, a Dark Guild was attacking a nearby town. 

Dark Wizard 1: Get them boys, rob the town and kill those peasants! 

Dark Wizard 2: You got it! 

Dark Wizard 3: We'll murder them all! 

The Dark Wizards began casting magic around the place, killing innocent people. However, one was shot down by an energy purple laser. 

Dark Wizard 4: What the hell?! 

Dark Wizard 5: What was that?! 

???: Pathetic fools. 

They turned to see a figure that looked like a young man in a suit who was walking towards them. . 

???: Using magic for whatever they see fit, only to abuse it for such selfish reasons. 

Dark Wizard 6: Who the hell are you?! 

The man ignores him and keeps walking. One of the dark wizards uses his Plant Magic to bind him in vines. 

Dark Wizard 1: Stay back! Try anything stupid and we'll-

He was cut off as the young man's arms suddenly grow bigger with dark red lightning, breaking free from the vines, and the next thing they knew...


The entire town was destroyed as everyone was sent flying away from the young man. He looked at the wizard who used Plant Magic before dashed and place his hand on his face. 

???: I will be taking your magic now. 

The young man's man began glowing dark red as the dark wizard scream in agony of his magic being taken away from it. 

Dark Wizard 2: What is he doing to him?! 

Dark Wizard 3: Who cares?! Kill him!

The young man raised his other hand before he generated black and red tendrils from his fingers which stabbed them, killing them in the process. Once he finished stealing the wizard's Plant Magic, he then used Decay to turn him into dust. 

The moonlight shines on the young man as it revealed he was not only wearing a suit, but also a mask that looks like a skull.

He was known as the Symbol of Evil, the embodiment of villainy, and the Demon Lord. A young man who's capable of taking powers and making them his own. Y/N Shigaraki, A.K.A...

All For One, The Magic Eater. 

Y/N: Now then

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Y/N: Now then. Shall we begin?

Another Dark Wizard went to stab him with his sword, but he felt something sting him as looked to down to see a scorpion tail from Y/N's back. The wizard falls down dead due to the poison from the tail. 

A few dark wizards began casting their magic, but he blocks with a barrier before firing some purple energy bullets, killing the dark wizards. 

Dark Wizard 4: He keeps on killing our men! 

Dark Wizard 5: He's a monster! 

A large group of wizards charged at him, but Y/N unleashed sharp blades from his body and stabbed them all to death. He then started floating above the ground before noticing one Dark Wizard left.

Y/N: I see you've survived, I'm quite impressed. 

Dark Wizard: Bastard... you've killed many of my comrades...! You're gonna pay for that, you little shit!

The Dark Wizard unleashed a rock bullet at Y/N, only to be useless as All For One sends a wind blast putting a hole right in his abdomen, taking him down.

The Dark Wizard unleashed a rock bullet at Y/N, only to be useless as All For One sends a wind blast putting a hole right in his abdomen, taking him down

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Y/N: Now, I see. Your strength comes from practice and practical experience, not raw power. I don't need your Earth magic, for I already have one. Yours wouldn't pair well with my disposition. 

Y/N looked around at what's left of the town. 

Y/N: Hypocrites. The Magic Council are supposed to protect the magical world, and yet they let this band of bandits attack a home town. The thought of it disgusts me. Well then, time to get a move. And hopefully find myself some stronger magic that are worth stealing. 

Y/N began walking away as he disappears through a black portal, leaving behind the chaos he brought. 

Prologue ended.

Sorry if this prologue is short and all. But that's all I could come up with. Anyway, here are some new Magic.

Clever Tusks: Two of the back molars on each side of the mouth will fuse together, and will grow and elongate into a pair of sharp tusks. People who had nearly died at the hands of the user of this quirk said it was like fighting a sharpened mammoth.

Overtime: Heals bodily injuries when activated. It is activated automatically AND works faster when user in unconscious. Used primarily in conjunction with Hard/Soft Reset and/or Die Harder.

Hard/Soft Reset: Either Restores damage on a large scale, to the point as if it were brand-new, or partial restoration, in case injury is needed to use another quirk. Primarily used in conjunction with Overtime and/or Die Harder. Consumes stamina as a penalty. The amount consumed depends on which reset is used.

Die Harder: Will bring user back from the brink of death. Primarily used in conjunction with Overtime and/or Hard/Soft Reset.

Energy spike: The more injuries the user has, the more power is added to their attacks.

Breaker's Hotspot: Highlights an enemy's weak points.

Aqua Vein: Adds some bulk to attacks, and allows user somewhat limited hydrokinesis.

Splash Damage: Allows user to add water to their attacks. Useful against an opponent whose quirk/power revolves around fire.

Recharge: Restores stamina.

Strings: Allows user to take control of a person's body. Y/N usually uses it on one of his unconscious allies.

Dragon Cannon: Summons a burst of energy in his palms that can devastate an entire city block.

Nether Assault: Calls upon dark energy to add massive amounts of power to his strikes, and the quirks that are already activated within the wielder, but it forces the wielder into unconsciousness, and it only lasts for two minutes. Can be shut off early.

Anyway, I've deiced the arc he should appear is Galuna Island. Let me know if you have some ideas for the first chapter in the comments below. Peace out and enjoy!

The Magic Eater: Male All For One Reader x Fairy TailWhere stories live. Discover now