We could die any day,
But perhaps we've years yet.
Either way, no one knows,
When their end will be met.Each day we are given,
Down here is a gift,
From our Lord in heaven,
Whose Name we uplift.Look up from life's struggles;
Its sorrows and pains.
Look up to King Jesus,
Who's broken our chains.He has not abandoned us;
His precious sheep.
The Lord Jesus who guards us,
Will never sleep.He is with us in sorrow,
In success and grief.
In whatever we face,
We are close to our Chief.Whether reveling in triumph,
Or struggling in trial,
As we look up to Jesus,
We've good reason to smile.For the Lord, He is good;
He's most generous to us.
He's rich in love and mercy;
One way He's shown it is thus:Our Father in heaven,
Sent His only Son,
To free us from darkness,
And He conquered and won.He died in our place,
To pay for our sin.
He rose in three days,
Now He welcomes us in.Though once we were slaves,
Now we are free.
All this is because,
Christ died for us on a tree.We are not specks of dust;
We're loved by the Divine.
He comes to us in our sorrow,
And says, "Look up child. You're Mine."We have joy in the grief,
And relief in the pain.
Our eternal home's in God's kingdom,
Where we'll never cry again.Bask in His grace,
That flows from above.
Look up and around you;
There's people to love.Tell one and all,
Of our risen King.
He shows mercy to all,
And eternal life does bring.As we look up and gaze,
At the One by whom we're made,
His glory is eternal,
And His love for us will not fade.