Otto - A new outlook

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That weekend was an amazing weekend. I enjoyed myself so much. When reflecting back on everything that happened and how I ended up there I wondered, would it have been worth it if I had paid to go. A short answer is no. BUT, the long answer. I went alone and I am autistic and anxious and it was very out of my comfort zone, so I didn't take part in the evening activities and parties, if I had went with someone then 100% absolutely take my money! But I didn't pay for my ticket, I was given a once in a lifetime opportunity to attend and that was 100% worth it!

I went round parading my selfie with Stefania to people and telling people all about my weekend! When I started at my job (because I got I job!!) I found out some of my Co-workers were greys fans and station 19 fans and I used it as a conversation topic, and now I've made some incredible friendships.

That weekend had such an amazing impact on my life. It pushed my out of my comfort zone, yes I had a meltdown but I was ok and I made it through. I got to meet Stefania Spampinato and she gave me a new outlook on the whole headphone ordeal and slowly but surely I'm learning to not give a fuck what people think about me. And I have a wicked conversation starter which helped me make some amazing friends. After that weekend I've started to enjoy myself more, and have become more comfortable with who I am. As much as I want to say all of that is thanks to Stefania, it's not, but the whole new mindset thing is and for that I will be forever grateful.

As a side note Stefania is coming to London again in 2025, do I go? I dont know. As of now it's a no. I will be doing my A levels and I ended last year on a high and wouldn't want to impact that. However who's going to say I'm not going if I win a ticket! If I'm given another opportunity to go like I did this years then I'll go and I will tell Stefania exactly what her little side comment meant to me, and how she helped me love me xx

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