Chapter 1

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"You got the passports?"  


"the luggage?"


"Hair straighteners?"


"are you sure?"

".....I'll just be a second"

"Ugh, I told you to pack them first!"

"I got em'!" 

"ok great. chargers along with phones?"

"Check! Can't ever forget that"

"Good, I think we're all set then"

"Devon....are we ACTUALLY doing this...?" asked Vernie a bit worried. Devon sighs, looking unsure. "Yes" she said with a straight face. She picked up her bags and walked out the door. Vernie stood there, then followed along grabbing the passports from the table. Vernie gets in the car while Devon is staring off with the keys in her hands. "Devon, what are you waiting for?". Devon turns slowly and said with a smile on her face "We're going to see Dan and Phil!" she then quickly shoved the keys in the ignition. Then drove to the airport. 

"I've never actually been on a plane" said Devon a little shaky checking the car mirrors frequently.

"Really? wow, well don't worry about it, just sleep through it and I will wake you up for the views at times" said vernie smiling.

-At the airport- 

They had done everything they needed to do, to board the plane and got on. (you guys will have to bare with me i have never been in an airport so...idk much so i skipped it)

-On the plane-

"Devon, OMG, check out this view!" Devon was asleep and didn't budge. "Wow, who knew she was such a heavy sleeper on planes? Well only 1 more hour until we reach London..." Devon started to wake up "What i miss?" she said groggily "Nothing much, just some clouds that look like marshmellows" "hmmm yum". An hour went by and the girls were getting excited and looking out the window. "Devon, did you remember the 'thing'?" "Of course I did! It was the first thing that I packed!" "Just making sure or else none of this could happen" said Vernie worried.

-In the cab- 

"Woah look it's Big Ben!"

"And the London Eye!"

"Well it's not the Manchester Eye" they both laughed at the phan reference that Vernie made. 

"How much longer?" "A few more minutes" said Vernie. The taxi pulled up to a giant apartment building. They got out and looked amazed. They got their luggage and the cab left.   They were staring up at the building. "You ready?" vernie said looking up at the building and then at Devon. Devon couldn't even move she was in such shock. "yeah...I'm ready..".

They walked through the doors and took the lift up. The lift stopped. They looked at each other as the lift opened. They headed down the hallway and found a door. "D-do you wanna have the honor?" "O-ok.." Devon reaches up to knock on the door. *knock knock knock* They waited for a little bit and heard some shuffling and foot steps. They looked at each other. The door opened, and a body corners around it, It's Phil Lester.

Hey guys so I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of the story. I hope its good and not too bad, for you guys. I will be updating soon! thanks guys ily bye <3 

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