Chapter 10

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Devon's POV:
I woke up in Dan's bed. Groggily, I rubbed my eyes to wake myself up. I sat up and noticed I was still in my close from last night. Oh man, last night. That was such a blur. It hurt my head just to think about it. I put my hand on my head and turn my head to see Dan, shirtless, and in his boxers beside me. He looked tired, even if he was sleeping. His face had been stained with tears, I wonder why?

Suddenly I sharp pain went to my head, as I remembered a little bit of something of what happened last night. I winced at the pain. I looked at Dan, and felt sorry for him. I ran my fingers through his hair, like a mother watching their child sleep soundly while knowing how terrible they're feeling. I sighed. I got up and fixed the covers back to tuck Dan in, but he started to stir, and woke up.

He groaned, obviously having a hang over. He looked over at me, and looked at me confused.
"Hmm, Devon? What are you doing in here?" He said propping his head up to look at me.

"I don't know. I just now woke up, beside you." I said. I guess he doesn't remember what happened last night either. Rather that, or he's faking it, hoping I don't remember.

He dropped his bed back on the pillow "ah, I see." He groaned again with a pain in his head as well.

He let out a breathy laugh "do u have any Bloody Mary?" I said pointing towards the kitchen.

"Yeah, I thi- wait, how do you know how to get rid of a hang over?" He said squinting at me.

"I've picked up a few things from an old friend." I smiled.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Phil laying curled up in a ball on the couch with a blanket on top of him. Vernie was on the floor beside him cuddling a pillow. I went to the cabinet and made two glasses of Bloody Mary, and headed off back into Dan's room. When I got back he had completely covered himself in his blankets and pillows. He looked like a cocoon. I coughed to let him know I was back, but all he did was groan to let me know he heard me.

I set down the glass on his bed side table and went back into the living room. Vernie and Phil were still sleeping. I went over to Vernie and tapped her to wake up. She groaned and slowly opened her eyes. "Ugh...what happened last night?" She said as she turned to look at me. "I don't really know. But I do remember one thing...Dan and Phil got into a fight." Vernie stopped dead in her tracks and looked at me. "Oh yeah..." She said. I helped her up and we split my Bloody Mary. We went into Phil's room and discussed everything we remembered from last night.

"Ok so...maybe there is something on our phones that will help us remember.." Vernie said pulling her phone out. I did the same. "Hey, look I have a video from last night." She said turning it towards me so I could watch. It seemed to be a little bit after Dan had a few drinks because he was obviously drunk off his ass. He was acting all sexual, and weird. He was hitting on Phil, but Phil was sober from what we could see and wasn't playing along. He actually looked quite upset. "Dan, you're drunk, let's just stop drinking for a bit. The girls are even drunk, and I already told you I didn't even want them having a drink in the first place." Phil said trying to get Dan to sit down. Dan brushed it off and walked over to the us, who were laughing about something which was probably nothing. Dan then set his bottle on the table and scooped me up bridal style and said "fine, Philly" his words slurring together into a mass of nothing, "if you won't have fun with me tonight, then maybe Devon will!" Dan said in a cocky voice and carried me off down the hall. Phil ran after Dan yelling at him words we couldn't make out. The camera didn't follow until a little bit after, when it showed Phil banging on Dan's door trying to open it. "Dan! Don't you dare do anything to her!! I will leave you if you do! I will take both of them and leave!" Phil was screaming still banging his hand against the door, crying. The door unlocked and it showed Dan with tears in his eyes, "fine! Then leave!" Phil was hurt but he knew that wasn't Dan talking. It was the alcohol, and walked off. The camera was still for a second but then cut off. Me and Vernie looked at each other shocked. "So that's why I woke up in Dan's bed with a killer hangover.." I said running my head. "Wait, you woke up in Dan's bed?! Was he clothed? Were you clothed???!!" Vernie said almost parenting me like a mother. "Yeah, I was clothed. He only had his underwear on tho. But that's normal for him." I said calming her down. "I can't believe this happened..." Vernie said setting her phone down on the table beside her. She got up "do you think they remember any of it?" She said looking down the hall. "Well, since Phil was sober..I bet he does." I said standing up as well. "I'm gonna go take a shower..ok?" I said walking down the hall to the bathroom. I didn't wait for Vernie's response.

When I was undressing for my shower a felt a little pressure on my neck but I thought it was just because I slept wrong or something. I got in the shower and started washing. When I was washing my neck. I felt the pressure again, but I still didn't check into it, so I popped my neck and moved on. Once I was done, refreshed and finally awake, I went to put on my clothes. It wasn't until I was drying my hair when I found, what looked like a bruise of some sort. Mortified I knew what it was. A hickey. How was I gonna hide this from everyone!? I've never had a hickey before. Was it from Dan? There were questions racing through my head not knowing how to fix it. I looked down at my makeup and piled tons of foundation and skin colored make up on the hockey to make it look as normal as I could. I looked it the mirror to double check, grabbed my dirty clothes and went into the hall. I ran into something that made me drop everything. I looked up and saw it was Phil. "Oh sorry Devon. I didn't mean to make you drop everything." He said helping me pick up my stuff. He handed me my clothes, smiled and walked off. I really do wonder if he remembers anything from last night.

Hey sorry I haven't posted in awhile guys! I've been super busy. I hope you enjoy this chapter, it isn't that long and I apologize for that.. But still it's something for you guys to nibble on :) I really wanted to update this chapter on the same day as TABINOF comes out in the US. So here it is!! WHO ELSE IS EXCITED ABOUT TABINOF?? IM SO PROUD OF MY DADDIES!! Anyway, have a wonderful day and I'll see you in the next chapter!

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