Chapter 3

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Devon's POV:
I can't believe it, Phil Lester agreed, he is actually ok with it! Vernie and I were walking to Phil's room. "Oh my gosh, we're in AmazingPhil's room" I said, "better get used to it" vernie said, "I'm not sure....Dan still has to say yes." "Well of course he will! Dan will always agree with Phil" vernie said confidentially. "Maybe not with this one. I mean, two girls coming in saying 'HEY! We're your kids!' Who knows how Dan is going to react!" I started to get worried. "Devon just calm down. How could Dan say no?"

-meanwhile in the living room-

"Phil, why are there two girls in our apartment?" Dan said walking up to Phil. " well, uh, Dan just hear this out." "I'm listening" "they're" Dan stars at Phil blankly, then he started to laugh. "Oh Phil, you got me good, great job really. Now you can go tell them to go home." Phil looked sternly at Dan, and he knew that Phil wasn't joking. "Oh my god...HOW? WHEN?! J-ju- HOW?!" Dan said pointing back and forth at the two of them. "Just calm down Dan" Dan started to pace around the room "who are they?" "The girl with the short brownish-red hair is Devon, and the other girl with the blonde hair is Vernie. They are our kids." "No,  no Phil stop saying that, they can't, they can't be OUR kids!" Dan was astonished. Phil handed Dan the papers, "see for yourself" Dan took the papers and read them over. "Wait, did u go out and ADOPT THESE GIRLS?!" "No no no, can't you tell they're American? No, they met us at a meet and greet and we signed those papers that made us their legal guardians" Dan plopped down on the couch in amazement. Phil told him everything that the girls told him. Dan listened and Hyatt couldn't believe it. He felt pretty bad about what the two girls have been through, I mean the IDOLED them. Dan sat for a second. He always wanted kids, especially girls. "I already said they could stay with us" Dan snapped out of his thoughts "Phil, you what?! You can't promise them that! Especially when I'm not here!" "Well you're here now" Phil said with a smile. Phil was actually really excited about having kids, it would feel like we have a family. Dan sighed, and looked at Phil then towards where the two girls were. Just waiting, Dan didn't want to kick them out. He waited for a second "Phil, let me speak to them real quick" "ok, but Dan please, they're only 14 a-" "Let me speak to them Phil!" Dan raised his voice a little but Phil knew it wasn't anything bad it was just a lot to take in.

Girls POV:
Phil came in "girls, Dan wants to talk to you two..." We got up and walked down the hallway and into the living area to see a giant sitting on the couch. He turned to us "Phil, could you leave so I can talk to the girls privately?" Phil nodded and left the room. "So, you two girls are the sneakiest girls I've ever met. I like that, a little scared, but I like it" Dan said relaxing and we did the same. "I just have one question" we looked at him "sure, ask away" vernie said. "Why did you choose us?" We looked a little confused but then Devon said "because you were there when no one else was, you were the light that saved us when everything was dark" vernie smiled "we were afraid you guys wouldn't agree and just think we're crazed phangirls, but we just wanted a home with someone who we knew would always be there for us" Dan stood up and looked at them "just one more thing. Do you girls mind sharing a bedroom?" The girls smiled and basically tackled Dan in a hug. Phil walked in and wan to join them. They were a family, a big happy family.

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