Chapter 12

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Vernie's P.O.V.

After Devon finally gave up on making the spaghetti, she called and ordered a pizza. It honestly took an hour or more, but it didn't seem to matter because Dan and Phil couldn't stop talking to each other and making bad jokes with each other. They didn't seem to mind that we brought out a pizza instead of the original dish.

Dan's P.O.V.

"I think Tabitha is actually quite a nice fit for Dil, she has the perfect hair, epic skull shirt, and is very nice has a great personality and she makes Dil happy." I said discussing the life of a Sim character with Phil. He started to laugh.

"Yeah, I agree, but one thing. Dil needs more friends other than the Pancakes." he said raising his eyebrows at me hoping I would agree.

"Yeah, but there is nothing wrong with having one friend. Preferably his girlfriend." I said winking at him. He started to blush and giggled into his hand.

"You realize we're living vicariously through Dil, right Phil?" I said laughing ignoring the food on my plate that was getting cold. 

"Well, now we have Devon and Vernie with us, so that's even better than a video game character. We have the real deal." Phil said taking my hand with a smile, his eyes were piercing through me and his pale skin radiated in the dim lighting. I smiled at the thought, we officially have a family. We didn't have to change our lives to be able to have them. I mean yes we do need to fix the room arrangement but other than that, it's everything I've ever wanted. 

"Yeah, and that's all I need. You, me, and the girls." I said gripping his hand again. He laughed a little.

"Don't forget youtube, that's our family too." 

"Of course! How could I forget about that? Youtube is where it all began. If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't be here, neither would you, or the girls." I smiled and sighed. 

Devon's P.O.V.

"I'm so glad that everything is better now." I said smiling and crossing my arms. I let out a sigh of relief and so did Vernie. 

"Yeah, it's like a happy ending." Vernie said gazing at Dan and Phil.

"Well, I sure hope it's not the end, no, this is only the beginning of something amazing." We both smiled at each other and wrapped our arms around each other. 

"To be honest, I feel like a proud parent right now." she said.

"Yeah, me too." 


After that night, Dan and Phil were even happier than before. Dan had a brighter smile, Phil had a bigger laugh, and the girl's finally had a home again. Everyone knows about Dan and Phil having two daughters, and they went everywhere with them. What they didn't know was Dan was planning to propose to Phil and he was very nervous.

He got down on one knee and Phil turned around and cupped his mouth with his hands with excitement. Tears were starting to form in his eyes as Dan took his hand in his. "Phil, we have lived together for 6 years and I feel like ever since we first met we have been together. And now, we have two daughters, and now I want to make it an official family. Philip Michael Lester..will you marry me?" Dan said as smoothly but also nervous as he was, a tear fell down his cheek with happiness as he saw Phil shaking his head yes. "Yes, of course I will! Come here." Phil pulled Dan up off his feet and hugged him tightly and didn't want to let go. Dan had the biggest smile on his face, Phil was crying with joy. Dan wiped the tears off his face and kissed him gently. They both turned to the girl's who were smiling and jumping for joy. "Thank you so much girl's, if it weren't for you two, we might not be together like this right now. You girl's have helped so much." Dan said smiling at them like a proud Dad. "The girl's who changed everything!" Phil said smiling and running to hug them. "The girl's who changed everything..." the girl's said quietly hugging them back just as tight. 

The End...or beginning?

Hey guys! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING MY STORY AND I'M SO HAPPY THAT YOU'VE ENJOYED IT....sorry I just realized caps lock was on...but that's how I feel on the inside. I'm very sorry to end it but I felt like it was the right time. But never fret for I have another idea! If you guys want, you can message me in my inbox and ask me to do one shots! I would love to make little short stories for you guys! So if you want me to do that, just inbox me :) thanks guys! and I'll see you, next time! 

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