Chapter 8

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Dan's POV:

"Did you hear that?" I said releasing from the kiss me and Phil just shared

"Yeah...Probably the girls. Do you think we should go check on them?" Phil said looking towards the hallway.

"Sure" I say getting up. Phil stands up along with me, he goes to walk past me and I grab his hand and peck him on the lips. We both smile and stay there for a second, then we go to check on the girls.

Devon's POV:

"Shit, do you hear that Vernie?"


"Exactly.. THEY'RE COMING!"

"OUT!" Vernie said covering up her mouth giggling. I just gave her a glare and whispered loudly "act natural!" At this point we both did the most UNNATURAL POSES KNOWN TO MAN.

Dan and Phil walked in. "Is everything ok in here?" Dan said opening the door and peeking his head inside. Phil came around the corner and positioned himself to where he could see over Dan's shoulders, while resting his hand on Dan's shoulder.

"Yeah we're fine. Just got excited over something, that's all" I said trying to act like it was nothing.

"Yeah, nothing at all" Vernie said in between giggles. I nudged her with my elbow and looked back at Dan and Phil. We both smiled simultaneously like the twins in the shining.

"Ok, well, it's almost time for dinner, are you guys ok with pizza?" Phil said smiling, like he always does.

"Yeah totally! Sounds great!" Vernie and I said.

"Cool" Dan said closing the door and leaving us to our thoughts about what just happened on younow.

"When do you think they are going to tell us?" said Vernie

"Whenever they're ready I guess. We can ask Phil how it went later" I said glancing at the door.

Dan's POV:

"The girls seem pretty suspicious" I said walking off with Phil down the hallway.

"Do you think they saw the liveshow?" Phil said glancing over at me.

"Maybe. Do you think we should tell them? I mean after all they are our daughters" I said plopping down on the sofa bed in the lounge.

"Yeah I would love to tell them!" Phil said excitedly with a skip in his voice.

After that Phil plopped down on the sofa beside me. I looked at him, his beautiful ocean blue eyes piercing through my black soul. His hair as black as the midnight sky, and his pale skin the color of ivory. He was so handsome, and he was all mine. Without thinking I caught myself in a day dream staring at him, smiling absentmindedly at him. He smiled back, noticing that I was looking at him. He slowly intertwined my hands with his, his face getting closer and closer to mine. I was craving his kiss, needing it, then our lips collided in a passionate kiss. This perfect human being, the spitting image of a ray of sunshine, the beautiful pale skin, blue eyed, black haired, boy that I fell in love with so many years ago, is finally mine.

After a moment we broke the kiss gasping for air, then went on for another. A smile slowly crept on Phil's face as he started to move over me, almost forcing me onto my back. His legs wrapped around my waist, while I lay under him, with my hands wrapped around his waste. His kiss started to get harder and harder. I let out a slight moan, but tried to keep to myself so the girls wouldn't hear. When Phil heard me let out my moan he pulled back a little and breathlessly laughed and whispered "Are you enjoying yourself? I know I sure am"

"Oh shut up and kiss me you spork" I said grabbing his face and pulling it to mine. His whole body hovering over me. I've wanted this more than anything. I wish I could stay like this with Phil forever. But then we heard a door open. Phil and I quickly gave each other a glance and fixed ourselves appropriately, to where the girls wouldn't see us basically passionately making out on the sofa.

Vernie walks in, "hey..sorry to bother you, I was just getting something to drink.. Carry on with what you were talking about and stuff" she grabbed a glass out of the cabinet and got some water, and then headed back to her room. Phil and I sigh out of relief. I look over at the clock and it's almost 4 o' clock. "I thought we were gonna order some pizza" I said nudging Phil. "Oh yeah I forgot! I got caught up in something" Phil said winking at me, and standing up to go grab his phone to order some pizza.

I got up from the couch and went to the kitchen to get some plates ready for dinner. Phil walks in behind me and wraps his arms around my waste and bites my neck gently. I flinched for a second then relax. I smiled "I got to get ready for dinner Philly, go wash up and get the girls while I get the plates." "Ok babe" he pecked me on the cheek and headed off.

Hey guys! I'm so so sorry it's been forever since I updated. But I'm here now! I've been super busy lately and it sucks so hopefully I can update more soon! Well it's really late right now so I'll go to bed. Goodnight guys! Don't forget to vote and comment if I'm doing good or not! Bye ily guys 💖✌🏻️

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