Union Jack

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Eleanor dragged Az up the stairs, leaving Louis and me alone. He leaned back in his seat and motioned for me to sit next to him.

"Niall, I think we need a little chat." Dammit. Here comes 'the talk'.

"As the wisest of the band, I feel responsible for teaching you the ways of life." Louis stuck out his chest and held his chin up as if he were superior to me. I rolled my eyes and suppressed a laugh. Wow, he seriously thought I haven’t heard this before.

"Who are you laughing at? I am elder than you and you shall respect me, peasant!" He stood and wagged his index finger in front of my face. The muscles in my stomach tensed from holding in chuckles. I can't take him seriously when he acts like this. Can we just go to breakfast and talk later? I thought.

Once he composed himself, he kneeled in front of me to look me directly in the eye. "Just don't get a girl preggo or you will be shunned!" He stood and dismissed me with a wave of his hand. My face turned beet red as I stumbled to the other couch. Of course he would bring that up.

Thank god the girls came back down before Louis could give me the rest of the sex talk. I scanned Azalea's appearance. Her short shorts were light wash and slightly destructed. A tank top with the union jack covered her torso and a swimsuit peeked out from under it. I quickly looked away when she noticed me staring at her.

"Hey Horan, my eyes are up here!" she teased. I tried to hide my embarrassment but failed.

"Awww little Nialler's growing up!" Louis pinched my cheeks firmly. Asshole. I slapped his hands away and thwacked him on the head.

We piled into my Range Rover and drove to the nearest diner for breakfast. Luckily it was still early so not many people or fans were there. We sat in a booth by the windows, Louis next to Eleanor and Azalea beside me.

"Are you ready to order?" The waiter stood at the end of the table with a notepad in his hand. I caught him checking Az out and smirking. Um, what the fruit loops? Jealousy flooded my system. I could feel my face heat up with anger and disgust. I clenched my fists and bit my lip until I could taste blood. He's been standing here for less than a minute and I already feel the need to punch his face in.

A kick under the table alarmed me as I looked up at Louis. He mouthed, 'calm down'. How the hell am I supposed to calm down when some prick was checking out my girlfriend and thinking dirty stuff?

Azalea noticed me stiffen and grasped my hand underneath the table. At least he didn't have an effect on her. I smiled. There's nothing to worry about, right?

Azalea and I ordered the same thing; pancakes, French toast, bacon, and eggs. We raced to see who would finish their food first. 

"I'm gonna win! I'm gonna win!" She said through a mouth full of food.

"No way!" I was getting a tummy ache but I couldn't lose. I looked up to see Eleanor and Louis recording this and giggling. No doubt this'll be on Twitter later.

"Yes way!" 

"Ha! I'm done! I won! I won!" I cheered loudly and winced. God my stomach hurts.

"Dammit! I want a rematch!" Az declared. 

"Nope! I won fair and square!"

"Ugh, fine. Let's share the last muffin to celebrate," She split a blueberry muffin for the two of us. She flashed a devious smile and did something unexpected. Taking half of the muffin, she smeared it on the side of my face and smirked with satisfaction.

"Hey!" I did the same to her, leaving crumbs on her cheek. 

"Okay okay! We're even!" I smiled and left a dainty kiss on her nose. She giggled and laid her head on my chest.

"You guys are just adorable!" Eleanor gushed and leaned on Louis.

The waiter walked towards us with our bill as Azalea and I brushed the crumbs away with napkins.

"Here's your bill. I put my number on your receipt too. Maybe we could go out sometime?" He winked and inched closer to Azalea. What the hell? Does he not see me? Douche bag. He's just asking for a punch in the face. I know he won't be receiving a very good tip....

"Sorry, I'm not interested. I have a wonderful boyfriend." I draped my arm over her shoulders as the waiter frowned.

"Whatever. Your loss." 

When he left, laughter filled the air. "What a dumb ass! Did he not see you with Niall? You guys have been all romantic since we got here!" Louis held his stomach as his shoulders shook with amusement.

"My god he was like totally checking you out!" Eleanor brought up.

I get jealous very easily and all these guys looking at Azalea is really getting to me. "Niall, stop worrying. " She whispered so El and Louis couldn't pick up what she said. I smiled and entwined our fingers. 

 A Z A L E A

After breakfast we decided to swim in Niall's pool at his house. I wore a coral bikini with thick white stripes. Oversized sunglasses dimmed my vision. I wandered through the grand estate and out to the backyard. I leaned over the pool, examining my reflection. Blech. I hate my mundane hair and eye color. I never understood why guys wanted to go out with me.

I glanced around, still not seeing my friends. What's taking them so long?

Out of nowhere, I was ambushed and caught off guard. Yelling rang in my ears as three figures charged towards me at lightning speed. Lou, Eleanor and Niall raced out of the pool house with neon colored water guns. My feet felt cemented to the ground and the three took the opportunity to shoot water at me, soaking my body from head to toe.

"Ha! That's payback for flipping me this morning!" Niall shouted, waving his gun in the air with victory. He danced on the trimmed, malachite grass until I pushed him into the pool. Water splashed my legs, though I didn't mind considering I was already drenched.

I took a running start and cannonballed into the crystal blue water. I opened my eyes while remaining underwater and spotted the Irish boy. His hair was tangled and not up in its usual quiff. His swim trunks corresponded with his distinct eye color. Niall swam towards me and tightened his arms around my waist. Here come those sparks. I braced myself as we stared into each other's eyes and leaned in. Our lips met but the connection only lasted three seconds. I pulled back with a smile written across my face.  I felt my lungs deflate and rose to the surface to take a deep breath.

Niall's arms were still wrapped around my hips when I surfaced. I eventually broke out of his tight embrace and climbed out of the pool. Looking back, I saw him pout like a little boy. Awww that's so cute, I said to myself.

When it got dark enough we started a bonfire. The plastic lawn chairs were uncomfortable and I found myself adjusting my position every few minutes.

"Here, come sit with me." Niall offered.

I shuffled to his spot on the hammock and settled beside his warm body. Nothing could ruin this moment. I was on the verge of falling asleep when Louis spoke up.

"Why don't you guys stay over here tonight?" He suggested.

"We don't have any clothes with us but I can go back to our flat for some." I volunteered. I pecked Niall's cheek and got up from my cozy spot on the hammock.

Eleanor sleepily nodded and mumbled a 'thanks' as I stood and grabbed the car keys off the counter top. Inserting the key into the ignition, I backed out of the driveway and headed home.

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