I awoke to the sound of tires scraping the end of a driveway. My eyelids fluttered open as I recognized the complex we were in front of as Eleanor's.
"Dad, why are we here?" I questioned groggily. I glanced at the clock and realized I slept for almost three hours.
"I'll be living in the flat above and I thought you might want to be with Eleanor instead. I found a job and I have an interview tomorrow, so I won't be home. I called ahead and she said she was perfectly fine with it." He answered. I nodded and stared out the window. The skies were a dull, hazy grey, pretty much summarizing how my life is going.
When the car came to a halt, I stretched my arms and stood up. I climbed the stairs to Eleanor's floor and rang the doorbell. Two seconds later, the door opened to an excited brunette.
"Why are you so excited?" I already knew her answer.
"I'm excited because we'll living together! We can stay up late and hang out all the time!" Eleanor cheered, jumping up and down.
"I even know what we should do first!" She winked.
"One Direction CD signing!!" She screamed.
"Hey, if you two are going, do you think you could take a picture of them for me? I'm now part of the paparazzi business and it would really help me out!" Dad said, setting down a box full of pictures. I glanced down at the cardboard box and saw my parents’ wedding picture on top. I wonder if he plans on keeping it.
"Um, Dad-" I started.
" It’s just one photo. It’s not invading their privacy. But I understand if you don't want to help your father..." He trailed off.
"Ugh, okay." I sighed. Why do I have to say yes to everything?
"Great! I better go unpack, see you ladies later." He picked up his boxes and exited the living room. Once he left, I turned to Eleanor.
"Do we really have to go?" I complained.
"Um, yes! I just have to be in the same room as One Direction and your dad needs a picture!"
'Yeah, about that. I don't think it's a good idea..." I said with uncertainty.
"It'll be fine! I promise! I'll call Josh to come pick us up." Eleanor walked into the next room, leaving me to my thoughts. What do I do?
Before Eleanor came back into the room, I decided to go upstairs and freshen up. Standing in front of the mirror, I ran a brush through my boring caramel toned hair. I grimaced at the girl who stared back at me. I always disliked my lackluster features, but I knew that there was nothing I could do about it. I lined my hazel eyes with cocoa brown eyeliner, smiling with satisfaction. At least makeup made me look less ill. I could hear Eleanor running up the stairs so I stored my makeup bag under the sink and left the bathroom.
"Josh is waiting outside, let's go!" She shouted.
"Okay okay, I'm almost ready. Give me a second to grab my purse." I replied.
Eleanor took long strides to the car while I trudged my way to the vehicle. I was not looking forward to this.
After being stuck in slow-moving traffic for ten minutes, we finally made it to the building where the CD signing was located. Pushing the door open, intense screaming and cheering engulfed me. Hundreds of teenage girls stood impatiently in line. Bodyguards formed a barricade around the perimeter of the multipurpose room and stood stiffly at every entrance. I knew for a fact the next few hours would be dreadful. Fortunately, the lined picked up pace. Soon enough, we were next in line. Remembering the task my father gave me, I sighed to myself, pulling out my phone and clicking the camera button. The security guard called for the next in line as I stepped in front of the table where five figures were seated. That's when it happened.
I glanced up, meeting the eyes of a blonde haired boy. They were a mesmerizing shade of blue. They were so captivating; I couldn't help but stare into them. I was stuck in a trance. The girl behind me nudged me, urging me to hurry up. I shot her a glare and turned back to face the boy.
"Hello love. What's your name?" He spoke with a heart-melting Irish accent. I however, seemed to have forgotten how to speak.
"Uh...um..I'm uh.." I stuttered.
"Az, use your words!" Josh teased. I scowled at him.
"I'm Azalea." I answered.
"Pretty name," He smiled showing off his clear braces and white teeth.
"Thanks." I blushed, looking away.
I shifted nervously, looking at Eleanor who was in deep conversation with a brown haired boy with blue eyes. Eleanor seemed quite infatuated with him. I wish I knew their names, but I'm not a Directioner or whatever. I turned my attention back to the Irish boy as he finished signing a copy of their CD. I think it's called Take Me Home. I don't know. It’s Eleanor’s anyway. Yep, the girl has two copies of the same CD. And I call her my best friend.
"Thanks." I repeated as he handed me the CD.
"Of course, love." He smiled again showing a slight dimple in his left cheek. God, what was his name? I was too stupid to ask! I mentally face palmed and continued moving towards the exit with my best friends. I'll have to ask Eleanor about him when we get home.
Dammit, I thought to myself. I should have asked for her number! I saw tons of fans every day, but there was something special I saw in her. Who am I kidding, she was hot! I rarely saw girls older than 15 at our meet and greets. I noticed her friend hit it off with Louis. Maybe he got her number. I'll have to hope for the best. It'll be my only chance of possibly seeing Azalea again. At least I know her name.
I finished signing the remaining CDs and bid my farewells to the remaining crowd of girls. I headed out of the room and into the bone-chilling London weather, still thinking about Azalea.

azaleas [horan]
أدب الهواةAzalea Mason moves to London with her father after an unfortunate separation between her parents. Starting fresh, Mr. Mason kicks off his career in the paparazzi business. The downside? Azalea is dragged to a One Direction CD signing which she is an...