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I closed the door as the boybanders exited the flat. Finally, I'm free! They stayed for at least three hours after the trip to the mall! But, I'll admit, I did enjoy hanging out with Louis and talking about football. Niall, however, made me want to stab my eyes out with my own drumsticks. 

I stared across the room, envy coursing through my veins. Look at him, trying to act cool. He's just a snobby rich kid. What does she even see in him? I better do something.

I sauntered over to her and prayed for the best. The condensation of the beer bottle added to my sweaty palms.

"Hey beer, want an Azalea?" As soon as the words left my mouth I wanted to facepalm. Could I be any dumber?

She giggled at my mistake and shook her head. Damn, I couldn't.

"I could go for an Azalea!" Niall joked, sending a wink towards her. Not cool man.

I tossed him the beer, not caring if he caught it or not. Sitting on the opposite couch, I tried not thinking about my blunder so I wouldn't blush. They struck up another conversation as I faded into the background for the trillionth time today. I'm like a chameleon. 

 I stayed back to help the girls clean up. I surveyed the scene, sighing in response. We worked up quite the mess. Empty beer bottles littered the floor, along with crushed popcorn crumbs and paper plates.

I grabbed a broom and swept the rubbish into the dustpan. I peered around the corner, observing Azalea as she bent over to change out the garbage bag. Must resist urge to stare at her ass... 

I may be her best friend, but I'm still a dude! Can you blame me? Okay, don't answer that.

"Josh, what are you doing?" Azalea furrowed her brows in confusion.


"You were staring at my-"

"Garbage bag! I, uh, thought you needed help! Here, I'll take it outside for you," I grabbed the trash bag from her hands and rushed out the door, dropping the broom with a clatter.

"That was close," I muttered as I heaved the heavy rubbish into the bin.

I decided to take a breather and stay outside for a few minutes. I was perched on the steps of the fire escape as I weighed my options. I could wait until after they broke up to make my move or tell her how I felt right now. I chose the latter of my choices.

Staring up at the dark sky, I picked a star and made a wish. It wasn't a shooting star, but it still counts, right? It sure as hell has to, I could use all the luck I can get right now.

An hour later, we managed to vacuum the area and put away the left overs. I collapsed on the couch and flicked through the programs playing.

"I better go to bed soon, I have a shift at the bakery tomorrow. Do you mind if I take a shower first, Az?" Eleanor asked.

She shook her head and sat beside me on the sofa.

"Thanks, I'll be out in a jiff," Eleanor jogged up the stairs and out of sight.

As soon as I heard the bathroom door close, I interrogated Azalea about her relationship.

"Az, do you like Niall?"

"Of course I do. I mean, why would I be dating him if I didn't?" She asked rhetorically.

"Maybe to get your mind off Jesse?" 

Her eyes dropped down to her shoes and she didn't speak at all. I could tell she was on the verge of tears. Why on Earth did I have to bring up Jesse? I'm such a fool.

Jesse is her asshol- ex boyfriend- I mean. I heard from Eleanor that she cried for nights after he left. She thought things were going so well until he moved to the city and broke up with her through a fucking text. We never saw him again, but I swear I'll beat the living shit out of him if I ever do.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring him up. I'm just saying, are you sure Niall is all that different?" I spoke cautiously.

"I don't know, I trust him. I think I do."

"Isn't he going to be away on tour all the time? Are you going to trust him then?" I pushed the subject further.

"I don't-" She started.

"Don't you dare say 'I don't know'," I raised my voice, tired of her uncertainty. I want a damn answer. I need a damn answer.

"Why does it fucking matter to you if I trust him?" She raised her voice to match mine.

"Because I love you! That's why it matters so fucking much!"

My updating schedule should pick up soon, I want to finish this and start the new fanfic that I've been planning. This is turning out to be more of a short story, so it won't be long until it's finished.

[5 votes for the next chapter!]

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