Babysitter AU: Movie night

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By the time William got back from work, it was already 7pm. His siblings have already eaten but not Vincent as he was waiting patiently for William to come back home.

As he entered the house, he immediately smelt the sent of chicken curry. He followed the smell into the kitchen where Vincent was sitting on a stool, humming peacefully to himself. As soon as William walked into the kitchen, Vincent's attention shifted immediately to him.

"Welcome back!" Vincent said cheerfully, "Come sit, I made curry for you!" William sat down in the seat and waited for Vincent to bring out his plate. "So how was work today?" Vincent asked as he was finding a plate in the shelves. "It was fine thank you. Were the kids behaving?" William replied.

Vincent put down two plates of food and sat down, "Yes, they were playing in their rooms all day. They weren't a bother at all." William nodded and picked up the spoon on the table next to his plate.

"Sorry for this morning," William said. Vincent raised his eyebrows, "Hm? Why are you sorry?" William's face turned slightly pink as he said, "Never mind. Forget it." It would be kind of embarrassing to explain what he was apologising for, although, Vincent knew exactly what he was talking about.
                                   -After dinner-

Vincent was in the guest bedroom, reading a book until there was a knock on the door. "Come in!" he said, a little louder than his usual tone. The door opened and William entered in his pj's. "Are the kids asleep?" William asked. Vincent nodded to his question.

"Do you need anything?" Vincent asked, putting his book down on the desk. "I was wondering if you wanted to watch a movie with me," William said nervously, his tone getting quieter. "Pardon?" Vincent said only to tease him, he knew exactly what he said but just wanted to tease him a little.

"I said if you wanted to watch a movie with me!" William exclaimed a little louder. Vincent let out a small chuckle, "Of course." William's face was flushed with pink, "Idiot..." (We all know William's enjoying this too^^)

"What would you like to watch?" William asked and Vincent replied, "You pick." William gave him an 'are you serious look'. "Okay... How about horror?" William said. The man in front of him nodded.
                             -During the movie-

Both Vincent and William were definitely not focusing on the movie but instead they were lost in their thoughts. This morning, they had their first kiss with each other! They're still surprised and probably haven't processed what happened...

"Vincent," William said, "I'm really sorry about that... kiss this morning." His face reddening once again. Vincent didn't reply and just kept silent. He actually enjoyed that moment this morning, but would it be weird to tell him that?

William started to fidget with his fingers as it was too awkward for him to handle. Suddenly, Vincent grabbed William by his hands and kissed him, surprising him. William was stunned and didn't know what to do so he just sat there, kissing the man he likes.

Vincent pulls him closer and places him on his lap, their lips still touching. "Hnhm," William whined as he was running out of breath but Vincent didn't budge. He turned his head away and panted with his face as red as a tomato.

"I-I... I'm sorry," Vincent apologised, "I don't know why I did that, my body just moved... Sorry." William still hadn't processed what happened, he was still shocked and stunned. His fave still red, he felt as if his cheeks were burning and he could just imagine how red it would look.

"N-no... Its fine," William stuttered weakly. He didn't know what to do in this situation right now.

Maybe the best thing was to carry on making out...

So they did ^^
Hope you enjoyed :D -Sorry got lazy at the end :(-

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