Part 11 - Intimate Confessions

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After some time, Eric looked at his phone and said, "Don't go upstairs," before stepping outside to take a call. Maya turned to me, trying to lighten the mood. "It's nothing, Daisy, just a jacket. He probably didn't even think twice about it. Don't stress."

I exhaled, forcing a small smile. "Yeah, you're right. It's no big deal."

Maya nodded but then glanced toward the staircase. "Still, what do you think is upstairs? He specifically said not to go up. That's suspicious, don't you think?"

I shrugged, playing it off. "Probably nothing. Just some random stuff."

But Maya's curiosity wasn't so easily dismissed. "Let's go check it out."

I hesitated, but my feet followed hers up the stairs. When we reached the top, we were greeted by a door with a ridiculous sign: "Do Not Enter—Eric's Private Lair (Seriously, Stay Out!)" It was childish, the kind of thing you'd expect to see on a teenager's room.

Maya grinned, clearly amused. "Classic Eric," she muttered as her hand reached for the doorknob.

Just as she was about to twist it open, her phone rang. She glanced at the screen. "It's my mom. Hold on," she whispered. "Don't go in without me, I'll be back in a second."

She stepped away, leaving me alone in front of the door. I stared at the sign, curiosity pulling at me, but I stopped myself. I shouldn't. Eric's warning echoed in my head, but the temptation was strong.

Just then, I heard Eric's voice from downstairs. "Hey, where did you go?"

I jumped slightly, then hurried back toward the staircase. "I, uh, just went upstairs," I said casually, hoping he wouldn't notice anything suspicious.

Eric appeared at the bottom of the stairs, leaning against the railing, his eyes scanning me. "Upstairs, huh?" His tone was light, but there was something unreadable in his expression.

Before I could answer, Maya came back, still on her phone, but she caught my eye and immediately knew what was going on. She glanced at Eric, who seemed oblivious, and then back at me with a knowing look. She understood, and her expression was clear: Don't worry, I'll handle this.

"Actually," I cut in, trying to change the subject. "The view from the balcony is incredible. You should check it out."

Eric raised an eyebrow but nodded. "Yeah? I'll take a look in a bit."

Maya gave me a subtle nod of approval as I desperately tried to steer the conversation away from what just happened. It seemed to work, though I couldn't shake the feeling that Eric knew more than he was letting on.

As Eric moved near the balcony, Maya turned to me with an apologetic look. "My mom wants me home. Some of her friends were asking about her, and she booked a cab. Can you please drop Daisy off on your way back?"

I shot her a pleading expression, silently begging her not to leave me alone. But she shrugged, a mixture of regret and determination in her eyes. "I need to go, sorry."

"Fine," I muttered, feeling a wave of disappointment wash over me.

Eric smirked, his tone laced with sarcasm. "I won't kill you or leave you here alone, you know," he said, clearly trying to lighten the mood.

Once the cab arrived, Maya left, and I found myself standing awkwardly with Eric. He stepped closer to the balcony, his fingers deftly working to undo the buttons on his shirt. I tried to look away, but my eyes betrayed me, captivated by the sensuality of his movements. Each button released, revealing a glimpse of toned skin beneath.

As he faced the breathtaking view of the waterfall, he rubbed his hair with one hand, retrieving a cigarette from his pants pocket. I felt a rush of heat in my cheeks when he caught me staring.

"Um, that's a nice table," I stammered, gesturing awkwardly toward where he had dropped his shirt.

"What?" he smirked, stepping closer, his expression teasing as he took my hand and led me near the table. "This table?"

His scent enveloped me—strong and divine, like a mix of cedar and something uniquely him. "Uh, yeah, the marble looks pretty," I managed, trying to sound casual.

"Well, my dad got this from England," he replied, locking his gaze onto mine, sending shivers down my spine.

At that moment, the world around us faded, and all I could think of was the electricity sparking between us.
As I couldn't meet his gaze any longer, a rush of anxiety surged through me, and I sank onto the couch near the table, my heart racing. 

Eric slightly bent down, and the smoky tendrils of his cigarette curled around my ears, sending shivers down my spine. The way he carried himself was almost magnetic, like a hot villain who knew exactly the effect he had on others.

"Feeling overwhelmed?" he teased, a playful smirk dancing on his lips as he leaned closer. The warmth radiating from his body mixed with the intoxicating scent of his cologne made it hard to focus.

I nodded, trying to play it cool, but my cheeks were probably flushed. "Just... taking it all in," I managed to say, hoping my voice didn't betray the fluttering in my chest.

He chuckled softly, that deep, rich sound sending tingles through me. "You can relax, Daisy. I promise I'm not that scary," he said, the way he spoke almost intimate as if we were sharing a secret.

I glanced up at him, taking in the way the light caught his features—strong jawline, tousled hair, and those eyes that seemed to hold a world of mischief and intrigue. Just then, a breeze fluttered through the balcony, sending the faint scent of the nearby waterfall mingling with his cologne. It was a surreal moment, suspended between reality and something more.

"Really?" I replied, half-jokingly. "You look like you could take on an army."

He laughed again, the sound low and inviting. "Maybe I could, but for now, I'd rather just take you on a tour of this place. What do you say?"

I bit my lip, torn between wanting to run away and wanting to stay lost in this moment with him. The couch felt like a safe haven, but he was a magnet pulling me closer, promising an adventure I couldn't resist.

"Okay," I said, my heart pounding in my chest. "Lead the way."

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