Part 22 - Beneath the Surface of Deceit

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We sprinted through the woods, the crunch of leaves and branches beneath our feet as loud as our labored breaths. The darkness pressed in around us, the moonlight barely filtering through the thick canopy of trees. My heart pounded, not just from running, but from the fear gnawing at the edges of my mind.

Maya held my hand tightly, her nails digging into my skin. Eric and Theo were ahead, their forms barely visible in the dim light as we followed the narrow path.

I couldn't shake the man's words from my head. The woods have their own hunger. It sounded ridiculous, like something out of a ghost story, but the eerie feeling of being watched clung to me.

After what felt like an eternity, Eric slowed down, hands on his knees, gasping. "We need to stop... for a minute," he panted.

Theo paced, his face pale and tight with tension. "That guy was insane. We should've never gone near that place."

Maya let out a shaky breath, eyes darting around. "Do you think... do you think he was right? About the woods?"

Eric straightened, his jaw hardening. "No. He's just some crazy old man. We'll get out, and everything will be fine."

But I wasn't so sure. The woods felt darker now, oppressive. It felt like the trees themselves were closing in on us. I tried to push it aside, but the weight lingered.

"We need to keep moving," I whispered. "We can't stay here."

Theo nodded. "She's right. Let's go."

We walked again, slower, exhaustion pressing down on us. The silence in the woods was eerie, no wildlife, just our footsteps. Every now and then, I glanced at Eric, who gave me a nod, though tension carved into his face.

Suddenly, Theo stopped. "Do you hear that?" he whispered, eyes wide.

We all froze, listening. At first, I heard nothing, but then... there it was. A faint, rhythmic sound, like footsteps but wrong.

It was behind us.

Eric's face tightened. "We're not alone."

Maya whimpered, gripping me tighter. "What do we do?"

"Keep moving," Eric said quickly, his voice low. "Don't run. Just walk."

We walked faster, but the sound followed, louder with each step. My heart raced. After a few minutes, the sound stopped. We froze, glancing around, but nothing moved. Just the trees, darkness, and the silence.

"Maybe it was just an animal," Maya whispered, trembling.

Theo shook his head. "That wasn't an animal."

Suddenly, we saw it—a faint glow ahead. Hope surged. Maybe a clearing, or even a cave for shelter.

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