Charlie's daughter is back. No it's not Bella, but Ana. Yes, the beloved witch/werewolf is back along with her three children to find a fresh start. But, the question is how will she deal with all the commotion her dearly beloved half sister, Bella...
All that could go through my head was, why was a human in the forest. What was she thinking, coming into the wood alone, it's dangerous being here, without being aware of the dangers. Something about was familiar, the way she talked with Jacob, and how at home she appeared on the reservation. She grabbed what she was looking, seemingly tensed as she looked around. It's as almost as if she can sense my presence. From the distance I could hear her yell at Jacob with slight discomfort.
"Jacob next time you're getting the Frisbee, I don't know what is in there, but whatever it is, I felt eyes on me the whole time." She shouted. I felt my face flush with anger, as if she was of any importance to me. I slowly turned and returned to continue patrolling.
It was a long night, the kids were tired, and had said their goodnights and gone to bed. WE had spent the good part of the day and night, just enjoying, the little bit of sunshine, enjoying the time we had spent with Jacob. The house was quiet, and secured, knowing that kids wouldn't wake up for another eight to ten hours, I headi to my room to change into some clothes.
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Jogging into the wood, I let the thoughts that I pushed to the back of my mind consume, and I let the anger, override any form of clarity that I ever thought I could have. The Cullen's were closer to knowing that I knew of their situation, which meant they were closer to figuring out, that I wasn't exactly normal as well. The thing is, I'm not sure that I could trust them in keeping my sister and father safe from any harm. I look around to see that I am near a clearing, farther away from the entrance than I ever been growing up. I calmed my breathing, as I focused on my inner wolf. As her picture began forming into my head, I felt myself begin to shift, and the suddenly, I found myself on four paws. I shook my black coat, with tints of white, before sprinting, letting out all the excess energy.
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After a few minutes passed and I cooled down, I let myself shift into my human form only to be attacked by a black blur. I thrashed around, shoving at its form, before looking about and coming face to face with a black wolf, a possible shape-shifter, if going by his size, and where he was. I looked into his eyes, only find his pupils expand, and somehow, I knew, that something big just happened for the both of us. I was now an imprinted on. I froze, confused on why this happened to me. Why, was this allowed to happen? Why so soon? I let out a growl in anger, shoving him off from above me, grabbing my left eye, noticing the sting as I tried to blink, feeling blood surrounding my eye. Damn him to hell! I applied pressure, allowing the energy of the forest to help push some magic into my injury. I slowly felt my face heal slowly and painfully knowing I will more than likely, have a small scar later. I was pissed, this is not what I came here for, and I will not let whoever he was, control me, or force me into this. I glared at the wolf that was staring at me.
A/N: Hello everybody! It's been a while, I literally just edited this chapter in my class, because I'm very bored in class, and ignoring everyone around me! Thank you so much for the wait! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, please let me know how you are liking the book. You already know I don't own Twilight, because if I did, many minor characters, would have much larger roles, and Bella would be slightly less pathetic.
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Plus I'm going to horror nights, which means I might die. It was nice writing for you guys!