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Clary's POV:

I have been in the shadowhunter world for 2 years now, with my boyfriend Jace, my best friend Izzy, and my friend Alec. We all live in the Institute together now, Mayris still owns the Institute but she stays in Idris all the time and is only home on her children's birthdays.

Last week, me and Izzy went shopping and got lunch at Taki's after. I was going to ask Izzy to be my Parabatai at Taki's but I don't want it to ruin our friendship, being Parabatai is like being connected, and I don't know if me and Izzy have known each other long enough to feel that close.

I asked Jace about it and he said me and Izzy are already like Parabatai we do everything together. As I sit on Jace's bed I feel like I should ask her but when I work up the courage I always back down.

"Clary!" I hear Jace say.


"Are you really still thinking about Izzy!"

"By the angel Clary go ask her now or I will do it myself!" Jace said.

"Fine, fine I'll do it" I mumbled and headed towards Izzy's room.

 "Izzy?" I said quietly.

"Come in Clary" I walk in and see Isabelle doing her make-up

"Hey Izzy um... I was wondering" I stuttered

"Clary?" Isabelle said

"I was wondering if um... you wanttobemyparabatai" I said fast.


"I was wondering if you wanted to be my Parabatai" I said slower.

"YES Clary I thought you would never ask!" Isabelle sounded excited.


"Yes I knew you were going to ask me." She said cutting me off.

"How?" I asked.

"I don't know you were acting kinda weird at Taki's so I thought maybe you would ask, cause I was thinking about asking you too!"

"We can go to Idris next week and get the runes." Izzy said happily.

"Great!" I said. I can't wait!

    The next week Magnus portaled me, Izzy, Jace, and Alec to Idris so we could get the Parabatai ceremony done.

There was a small crowd that came to see, like Mayris, Robert, My mom, and Luke and a few others that I don't know the names of. After the ceremony I felt weird like I had 2 people's feelings and thoughts. I feel like I understand Izzy a lot more then I used to.

    The next morning there is a demon attack a couple miles away from the Institute so we put on gear grab a few seraph blades and go to the attacks. Fighting was just the same as always except I could sense demons near Izzy so sometimes I would shout "Izzy behind you!" without even having to look at her.

    There are some downsides to having a Parabatai though. When Isabelle is moody, I feel moody. Anything Izzy feels, I usually feel like that too.

Sometimes it's a little frustrating, but I am glad I have found my best friend for life.

Authors note: Hi guys sorry its a little short only about 500 words sorry! I hope you like it :) How can I improve? Any ideas you want to share I will give you credit. Bye!

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