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Hey guys! I might have 1 more update while I'm on vacation but I'm not sure.

Jace's POV

"Clary?" I say.

"Yeah." She says back. 

"Where are you?" I yell down the hallway. 

"Your room." She yells back. 

I walk down the hall to my room and look inside, she's sitting on my bed. 

"What are you doing?" I ask. 

"I was waiting for you and Alec to get back." She said. 

"Izzy and I want to go camping!" She says excitedly. 

"Why? Nothing about camping is fun." I complain. 

"What's wrong with camping?" She asks.

"Bugs." I offer. 

"We have bug spray." 

"What about food?"'I ask. 

"We can cook hotdogs and s'mores over a fire." She says, sounding a bit angry. 

"But where are we going to sleep?" I ask, not wanting to even think about camping. 

"By the angel, Jace, if you don't want to go stay home!" She yells. 

" I don't-" I start but she interrupts me by saying,  "All you had to say was, no Clary, I don't want to go, and you wouldn't have to! I don't care if you go or not I'm going." She yells and stalks off.
Well I better go apologize.

Clary's POV

Okay, maybe I went a bit too far. I thought he'd be happy that we were going camping. As I pack I hear a knock on my door. 

"Come in." I yell, not wanting to be bothered. 

Someone walks in the room and sits down beside me on my floor. I look over and see Jace. 

"I'm sorry Clary, last time I went camping I didn't like it." He wipes a tear on my face I didn't even know I had. 

"I'll go." He says quietly. 

"Jace-" I start but he says, 

"No, Clary I want to go." He kisses me, but after a few minutes Isabelle comes in. 

"Ugh, get a room." Isabelle says. 

"Um, if you hadn't noticed this is my room." I say back and laugh, Isabelle starts laughing too. 

After we've calmed down Isabelle goes back to her room to pack and Jace helps me pack. 

"Do you need this?" Jace says, wiggling his eyebrows. He's holding one of my bras. "Actually, yes." I say taking it from him and stuffing it in my bag. 

"Will you grab my toothbrush?" I ask. 

"Sure." He says and hands it to me. 

"Alright I'm ready. Do you need to pack?" I ask. 

"I already did." He replies. 

"Alright then, let's go find Iz." When Izzy and Simon are ready we go down to Magnus's place.
Izzy called him earlier and he told us to come down. We knock on Magnus's door and Casey answers. 

"Hi." He says. 

"Um, hi Casey." I said.

"Is Magnus ready." I finish. 

"I am, but Casey is coming too!" Magnus says. 

"Alec too." Magnus adds. 

"Hi." Alec mumbles. 

We decide to portal there, because it's faster. We set up the tents and go down to the river. Jace picks me up and throws me in. I scream. 

"It's freezing!" I exclaim. 

I jump out of the river and push Casey in, with a little help from Alec. We all laugh as he screams like a little girl. 

We all jump back in the water and play that game where you get one a persons shoulders and fight another person. I think it's called chicken. I get on Jace's shoulders and Izzy gets on Simons. Izzy and Simon win the first round and the second. 

But Jace and I win the third and Alec and Magnus all of the ones they play, I think Magnus was using magic. Casey looked a little left out so I offered to get on his shoulders. When I got up there I whispered, "Use magic to make us win." 

"Alright we're going to play Alec and Magnus." I announce. After about 5 minutes Casey and Magnus are clearly fighting with magic and me and Alec are fighting in hand to hand combat. 

"Alright tie, tie." Jace says. 

"Yeah, I'm cold." I add as I slip off Casey's shoulders. 

"Let's make a campfire!" Simon says like a little kid. After we get changed and make a fire we start cooking hotdogs and making s'mores. 

After we finish eating Jace says, "Let's tell ghost stories!" 

"No." I whine.

"I won't sleep tonight." 

Jace, ignoring my complaint, says "Izzy, you tell the best." 

"Okay I got a good one." She says 

"One time, on a warm August day, all the malls in the world closed down, and Clary and I couldn't go shopping." 

I gasped in fake horror. 

That's the worst thing I've ever heard." We all start laughing and Izzy said, "Just kidding, I do have a good one, though." 

One time a group of friends went hiking in the mountains. There were 4 of them. They got held up and decided to build a camp and go home tomorrow. They ate some of the food they brought with them and went to sleep. 

One of the friends heard something in the middle of he night, and decided to go check it out. She walked towards the sound and found a wolf. The wolf attacked her but she managed to get away."
Izzy kept going with the story until it was very late at night. 

I yawned and said, "I'm going to bed." 

All of us agreed and went into our tents. 

The next morning we had pop tarts and after we cleaned up our mess and portables back to the Institute I asked Jace, "Was camping better this time."  

"Much." He replied. "I couldn't of had a better time."

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