Welcome Back

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Three months have passed since the two love birds arrived in Massachusetts. Jenna finally wraps up her latest project, Finest Kind. The two of them made their way into town together when Jenna would have a day off. So many new memories were made and it was an experience that they will never forget.

Emma is excited to see her family again after being away for so long and Jenna will also be there for work so they decided to just stay at the Myers's residence since it's not too far from where Jenna will be filming.

The two of them pack up their suitcases and make way to the airport at the ripe time of 5am. And yes, they both groaned at the alarm going off at such an ungodly hour of 3:30 am. They walk in hand in hand ready to go back to sleep the moment they sit down on the airplane. With it being so early in the morning and a fairly small airport, it was a ghost town. Getting through the security took a total of 2 minutes. Did they get weird looks,of course, but Emma was eager to be reunited with her family to even care. Jenna was just as eager.

Jenna and Emma arrive at the gate and there's a total of 6 other people waiting for the same flight. Emma was reading a book to pass the time and Jenna was reading the script that was sent to her for her next movie. Thankfully, the filming won't start until after her birthday so she'll be able to celebrate properly this year. Emma has already been planning a party for her anyway for the past month.

They finally are able to board the plane and Jenna put their luggage in the overhead compartment. Emma got the window seat this time and Jenna got the aisle. Within minutes of take off the two of them fell asleep. Who knew being up at the ass crack of dawn was so tiring.

After a grueling 5 hour flight, they have arrived in Atlanta. The two of them stood up as soon as they were allowed to and hurried off the plane. What the two of them didn't plan accordingly for was the weather. They are both in sweatpants and hoodies. It's the middle of August, in Georgia. So it's hot and humid.

Once they arrived to the front of the airport, they are greeted with Emma's mom and sister.

"Emma! Jenna" Isabel screams as she runs into the arms of her sister and Jenna

"You miss us or something?" Emma jokingly asks

"Jenna more than you but yes" Isabel says with a laugh

"I missed you too." Jenna says

"Okay now get off, I'm burning up as it is." Emma says as she walks towards the trunk of the car with Jenna close behind.

"It's nice to see you two again." Nicole says as she brings the two of them into a short hug.

"Nice to see you again Mom." Emma says

"It's been too long" Jenna says as she opens the backseat door

The four women get into the car and start the journey back to the house. With the traffic, it took them 35 minutes. Emma and Jenna catch up with Mrs. Myers and Isabel about everything they've been up to and the upcoming projects they both have. Isabel also makes multiple jokes about how Jenna and Emma are so in love that she's surprised that they're not married yet.

They all finally arrive at the house and Emma greets her dad, Jenna also greets him. Emma takes Jenna up to her room so they can unpack and take a quick nap before dinner. The Myers insisted on having a big grill out for their return. Emma and Jenna both didn't say no because they haven't had a decent homemade meal in a long time.

Time passes by the two sleeping girls until they were woken up at 6pm for dinner. Jenna and Emma change into shorts and T-shirts considering they were both sweating their asses off.

"After dinner we are going back to bed." Emma says to Jenna as they walk downstairs to the dinning room.

"I'm all for that baby." Jenna says yawning

Emma and Jenna take their seats next to each other as Mrs. Myers places the plates of food on the table.

"This looks delicious." Jenna says

"You girls deserve a good home cooked meal after being on the road for so long." Mrs. Myers says

"We really appreciate it mom." Emma says as she starts putting some food on her plate.

The five of them start eating and talk about everything. Like asking if Jenna wants anything for her birthday. Asked about her new project. Emma's parents also ask about Emma's upcoming projects and she mentioned how she'll be working with Jennifer Garner. Jenna of course told Emma about her experience working with Jennifer and how much fun it was.

From an outside perspective, this looks like the perfect family dinner. Jenna feels all the happy emotions for the first time since she was back home. Emma is fully aware that Jenna is extremely exhausted from filming her latest project since they had a lot of long days. Emma just wants to make sure Jenna gets back into a better headspace and thanks to the warming environment that is the Myers, Jenna slowly gets there.


The two love birds have spent roughly three weeks so far at Emma's house enjoying the company of each other and the family.  The two of them have gone on countless dates and even took a weekend getaway to a water park resort in the area just to let loose for a little bit. Jenna is enjoying the time she has off. She has also been in contact with her own family a bit more since arriving in Atlanta.

Every moment that Jenna is distracted by Isabel, Emma is planning Jenna's birthday party, which is tomorrow. Emma's parents said they could throw a party for her at the house and they'll go spend the night somewhere so they aren't intruding on the special occasion. Little does Jenna know, Emma has contacted Joy and Hunter to invite them to the party and Emma got the notification that they have arrived in Atlanta and have checked into their hotel room for the night. There's going to be lots of drinking and dancing and of course classic party games. Emma has already placed all of the food orders and the cake order. The only thing Joy and Hunter have to do is get the party supplies from Party City, which Emma had already ordered and paid for.

The plan is to have Isabel take Jenna out for a few hours so Emma can set up the house for the party. Emma hates having to keep a secret from her beloved but its for a good cause. Jenna deserves a good and fun birthday. Emma has also planned on the whole family going out for a birthday breakfast before Isabel takes Jenna for a few hours. The best part is, Jenna has no clue.

Emma and Jenna are currently cuddling up in bed. Jenna is fast asleep while Emma is going through her mental checklist ensuring she has everything she needs to throw the best party ever for her. Emma also has received more texts from the cast of Wednesday that they have all made it to Atlanta. Those people include, Georgie, Naomi, Johnna, and Oliver and of course Joy and Hunter. Emma is beyond excited to see everyone again and she cannot wait to see Jenna's reaction to it. Emma has all of Jenna's presents hidden in her sister's closet. Planning ahead really does help to lower the stress of everything. Emma sure is proud of herself.

Eventually Emma drifts off to sleep as well. Tomorrow is the big day.

A\N- yes this is a filler chapter and I'm so painfully aware that it is not my best work but I needed something so they can be in Atlanta for Jenna's birthday. Hopefully everything did make sense, I tried.


Tomorrow's chapter will be filled with fun things! And mature content, this is your warning.

ALSO, thank you for your support on this story! It means so much to me that so many people enjoy it and like my writing. I appreciate every single one of you! Especially the one person that has been here since the beginning, and the reason why I've been updating like nonstop.


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