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I entered my home, with feet waving white flags I threw my body upon the bed. The day was quite hectic but fun  cancel the times when the talk about our recent interview didn’t get silenced. With the video streaming online worldwide, clips our interview floated on reels and tiktoks gaining a million views in just three hours of upload, our channel topped the list of best news channel with four successful shows airing. And I on the other hand rose to fame, it was any girl’s dream, I should be happy dancing my ass away but here I was sulking like a 5 years old child. Because recently a jerk came into my life and it seemed I was getting all those praises just because he was involved in them. I wasn’t used to sharing trp with that man!! I hated him. Especially the way he treated me back in his firm.. I knew he was the jerkiest jerk I’ve ever seen. The biggest red flag of my life!!

Fame came with a price and that was wiring yourself with conferences, meeting people, attending events even if it suits your likes or not, I needed to release the pent up frustration, I was in need to find something basic.. which was my notepad. I remembered keeping it in my back since I carried it everywhere. Even on the interview day. I shuffled my mind again to not to think anything about that stupid ass day and that stupid jerky face.

“Found it.” After emptying everything on the bed, I found a book. “Bohemian dance?” it was so new the genre, the cover of old leather and very intricate patterns marked it’s spine. I didn’t buy such a book but it did remind me of a certain library I visited this week. “Mr. Jerky has some weird collection” I sighed throwing the book to the side.

The next day.
“….and that’s how my days have become” I summarised the events of the past few weeks, like a hurricane exposing itself to the city with full force. “I still hate him.” I put some extra pressure on the ‘hate’ word.

“I see.” Zeenat scribbled something down her notepad, which she refused to show whenever I asked. A pleasant smile always enhanced her already beautiful face and I wondered what kind of life mantra she opted for. This was our weekly session, minimalistic furniture and pastel ceramic tea set rested calmly on the table. My favourite extra dark coffee bubbled inside one cup. I always loved the color palette of this room. Few puzzles lied upon her table and a rocking chair stood in the corner, the only thing out of place.

She was my psychiatrist since the last three years shared a close bond with me, I was reluctant at first to open up about my oral health, her graceful and not-so-nosy personality helped me break a shell. She titled me as her ‘robust client’.

Her heart shaped face revealed contentment, as she genuinely smiled.   “Well this is progress Reverie, this makes me question, are you seeing someone?” Zeenat asked in her clean indo-American English.

“Not really.” I answered honestly. Though the knit of her thick brows revealed confusion I didn’t dwell upon it much.

“Anyways it is good that you found something which excites you. Keep a hold on that book.” She added shutting her notepad off. And our session came to climax as I exited.  I couldn’t contain my excitement, since there rose a hope in me. Even if it took baby steps I was ready to experience it all, to finally feel something was better than feeling nothing. I owed one to Alanis, it was his book which I stole.

“I wonder if he noticed?” the question hung in air as I left.

Christmas rolled in bringing the chilly nights I loved. There were usually no  rates during these holidays, even criminals are allowed to rest, right? I thought sipping the hot chocolate stuffed myself  in a warm blanket like a burrito. Christmas decorations were crazy in New York as if Santa himself was the judge rewarding people accordingly.  “This is the best!” Kenna giggled sipping her hot chocolate, if I was perfect in anything related to food it was hot chocolate with marshmallows.

Johan was rather engaged with the calls, his whole office setup took all the space in the drawing room. It felt like the busybody’s body attended Christmas not his soul. Few curses left his mouth which made us believe someone was capable enough to enrage Johan.

“Mmhmm.” I mumbled enjoying the aftertaste of my hot chocolate, it was the perfect balance of sugar and cocoa powder. We usually watched comforting movies, she came to my house or I visited hers. Every year’s story.  I slurped the last drop of my hot chocolate thinking how just a few hours with your loved ones felt comforting..

Five days of comfort  passed in a blink of an eye, and ended up attending a freaky yacht party with unlimited booze and bouncy heads. Trust me when New Years rolled in CNN, you could literally see formals floating in the waters. And seniors drowned in sweat.

The hybrid yacht was huge covering a spacious deck while half of it was reserved as a restaurant cum bar, the dance floor shimmered with lights scattering all around the yacht, there were two more decks which I assumed were reserved for some higher ups. We already bumped with the higher ups in our way who seemed less reserved and occupied in craic with just a couple of drinks.  “Mrs. Vesper.” I side hugged the woman who looked rather hot in her jumpsuit. Her usual thick frame was gone, replaced by contacts giving a less dense impression. For once she seemed human “Having fun yet?” I asked grooving to the music.

“Aren’t the vibes banging?” Kenna asked swaying her hips with two martinis already glistening in her hands. With having a slice of bread in lunch my stomach whined, with steaming hot food sizzling in the far corner I couldn’t keep myself from downing the appetizing buffet in a span of few minutes. Feeling stuffy, I rather changed my path towards the bar. Having a scrutinizing and alert gaze at Kenna who mingled with the crowd, owning the dance floor completely. Her straight black hair fell beautifully upon her hips and her waist swayed like a mermaid.

“One Whiskey on the rocks!” I ordered getting a kind nod from the bartender, soon a guy in a burnished blue shirt grabbed the stool beside me, his presence soo basic I didn’t even recognise it “Thought it was empty.” He tried to give his bestest smile, while alcohol reeked every puff of his breath.

“I was leaving anyway” I waved my hand trying to brush away some stench . I knew I had looks and also knew how to work them, having a face like that did come with benefits, yet his leering gaze wasn’t benefiting at all, and having lack of interest in any guy just kept me at bay from those desires.

“You’re doing a great job in NYC central.” He spoke again. “I like women who are smart and beautiful.” Yep this was it, the last string to pull.
“Cool.” I gave him a hard stare, roving my eyes around his body. Clean face, a sleazy smirk, a wanna be amongst the staff. I hated people when they’re drunk, it’s the audacity. “My type isn’t the wanna be cool lads hitting upon their seniors.” I knew my words stung by the grimace upon his face.

I gulped my drink in a sip, and stretched my foot on the ground when ready to leave when he grabbed my arm. “You really are what people told me about you. A freaky viper.” Men were so weak when got rejected, it spilled their ill manners.  An urge to empty whatever good food I just had hammered my brain.  He was killing the vibes too, making things unsavoury for me. I pulled his hand away with much force that the drunk scrawny flinched.

“Do it again and you’ll walk into the new year with one arm.” I warned before turning to leave but he pulled me towards him this time applying some force in him. My temper already hitting the roof, I was ready to bring my words into action when a firm hand jerked him off of me.

“She isn’t into you, wasn’t that clear?” The familiar voice and that yummy smell of kiwis cleared any filthy odour, I turned my head only to confirm my guess and yep I was right! Alanis Carter stood right between me and the man, his firm hand held mine yet his eyes casted a disdainful stare at scrawny. His scrunched face told me about how brutally Alanis was holding him, yet no change of expressions was on the former’s face.

“Who the hell are you, I was just having a decent conversation with her. Leave my arm” The man winced in pain, it looked like his arm would break off any minute now.  I saw the grip tightening after hearing the word “Chic” the area around formed a cloudy white border, but my face remained neutral.

“I can handle this.” I spoke removing Alanis’ hold upon the man. Inching closer to Robert, my knuckles cracked before a fist landed straight to his face, making him fall on the barstool. A punch I inflicted after so long, it felt good to be in those old shoes.

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