𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 | let me pay for my arrogance

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a/n: gonna be honest and admit this chapter was very superficially proofread so there might be mistakes and some things might be messy so just give me a shout and i'll fix it as soon as i can 😅 ALSO yes, i AM making the plot up as i go, what about it? anyway, hope you enjoy <3

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You had been expecting a lot of things to happen today.

Wanda was going to teach you another spell, you were probably going to end up oversharing about something to get her to spill more information about Westview to satiate your curiosity, and then you'd both argue about which one of you two used magic to make sure the overwatered crops in the backyard didn't die (it was definitely you).

It was going to be a fun, normal, day full of the normal things that make up your new routine with her. Most importantly, it was surely not going to feature Kate Bishop in any way. Just like every day since the witch had helped you cut your connection to the archer.

Everything would have been fine...except Kate decided to ruin all your plans by showing up outside Wanda's cabin.

You wish you could say you're surprised but the archer's favorite hobby is messing up your plans and making you question far too many things.

"y/n." Her voice is incredibly soft despite the shock that paints it. "...hey."

It's a small thing but her shock at seeing you here instantly shuts down your hopeful thought. She's clearly not here to see you and she wasn't expecting to find you here.

You try to ignore the ache in your chest at the realization and move on.

"Hey? That's your opener?"

There's a lack of annoyance in your voice that clearly catches her off-guard. Her nervousness is as endearing as always despite the wounds that haven't closed yet.

"I don't really know what else to say..."

You're about to make fun of her for old time's sake when Wanda appears behind you. You feel her presence before you hear her voice and for a second, it's like you can hear her warning you not to get too attached to Kate's annoyingly charming habits.

Wanda has a point, of course she does, but you trust your heart even less than you trust the archer. Kate doesn't even have to do anything for a part of you to yell at you to throw everything to the wind and go with her.

Go where exactly? That's not as clear.

Of course, you could go back to New York but what's the use? Just because it's been a few months since the scandal broke out doesn't mean you can go back to your old life. Back to the casual "not a relationship but more than a friendship" thing you and Kate had going on before.

The witch's hand on your shoulder brings you back to reality and you comply with her unspoken request. Whatever Kate needs doesn't have anything to do with you. Leaving before she can sink her teeth into you again is the smart move.

So, you move away and let Wanda and Kate talk out on the front porch. You do your best not to listen in to their conversation but you do overhear something about The Avengers and Clint asking for the Sokovian's witchy help.

You do your best to remind yourself the archer didn't come here for you. She probably didn't even know you were here. She doesn't need you and you don't need her...right?

You wish it was true. Maybe if it was true, you would be able to stay away from her.

You try your best to busy yourself with putting dishes away in the kitchen but the second Wanda walks back in, you drop everything and rush toward her. "What did she want?"

as you sunk your teeth into me [vampire!kate bishop x female reader]Where stories live. Discover now