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The soft chime of a new email interrupted Simon Knight's quiet routine. He glanced at the subject line, then immediately sat up straighter in his chair. From: The Chancellor. Simon's fingers hovered for a second over the mouse before he clicked it open. His heart pounded a little faster, though he wasn't sure if it was from anticipation or something deeper—something unspoken that had lingered in him since the last meeting with Chancellor Voss.The email was brief, but Simon felt the weight behind each word.



I wanted to personally thank you for your leadership and vision in improving our assessment process. This will change everything.

Your contribution to identifying the Dreamers and ensuring the stability of our society will shape the future. I cannot overstate the importance of what you've set in motion.

The roll-out will be gradual, but I can assure you it will have far-reaching effects, well beyond what the public is currently aware of.

One more thing, Simon. I haven't forgotten about the soldier genetic program. I know you were uncertain, but I really want you to reconsider. It's vital to the long-term success of the Regime. You're uniquely suited for this initiative, and I truly believe you're special. There's no one else quite like you.

If you're concerned about your place in the future, you could always take the assessment test yourself. I trust it would confirm your exceptional standing.

Think about it.

Best regards,

Chancellor Voss


Simon leaned back, a slight frown creasing his brow. He stared at the email, rereading the words carefully. "This will change everything." The phrase echoed in his mind, carrying both pride and a gnawing unease. He had made significant progress with the Dreamer initiative, more than anyone else could have, but the Chancellor's tone was deliberate, withholding something. The exact timeline, perhaps. Or the extent to which the assessments would evolve.

Simon clicked away from the email, trying to push aside the creeping doubt. The idea of taking the test left a bitter taste in his mouth. He knew who he was—or at least, he thought he did. After all, he had always been steadfast, always done the right thing according to the Regime. Hadn't he? The question lingered, irritating like an itch he couldn't scratch.

And then there was the matter of the soldier genetic program. Simon had voiced his reservations about it days ago. The ethics of enhancing human soldiers through genetic modification and dark magic still felt like a dangerous line to cross, even for someone as loyal to the Regime as him. But the Chancellor's insistence was clear. He needed Simon's approval, and he wasn't likely to drop it anytime soon.

Simon stood and walked over to the window, letting his eyes trace the city skyline as it stretched beyond the orderly rows of buildings. Everything was in its proper place. Clean. Controlled. Exactly as it should be.

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