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Jayde walked in a daze as the Resistance camp came into view. Nestled deep in the heart of the Exile, the camp had a wild beauty to it, like something out of a forgotten dream. The sprawling encampment was a mix of makeshift homes built from scrap metal and wood, with sprawling gardens where vibrant flowers and strange crops grew. People bustled about, talking, laughing, and creating. There were no gray, uniform buildings here, no oppressive silence like in Central City. Instead, the air buzzed with life, with freedom. It reminded Jayde of a world she had only imagined in her most vivid dreams.

Kyle had been rushed ahead to receive medical attention, and Jayde, despite her exhaustion, couldn't help but take it all in. Around her, Dreamers were painting, sculpting, and building, all creating art that glowed with a life of its own. It was like stepping into another reality—one that had long been hidden from her.

Beside her, Wes walked in silence, his arm brushing against hers as they followed her father through the camp. She glanced at him, feeling a rush of conflicting emotions. It had been so long since they'd truly been together. His presence grounded her, but at the same time, it stirred up something else—something deeper. He had risked everything to save her and Kyle, and now they were here, together, in this strange place.

As they passed by more Dreamers, Jayde felt her father's presence beside her, steady and sure. She could hardly believe he was really here, alive and leading the Resistance. He had been the one figure missing from her life, the one mystery she had always been too afraid to unravel. Now, as she looked at him—older, more worn by the years—she knew the truth was close.

After leading them to a small wooden structure that resembled a cabin, Jayde's father turned to her, his expression serious. "We'll talk soon," he promised. "But first, I need to check on Kyle."Jayde nodded, biting her lip as her father disappeared into the medical tent where Kyle had been taken. The fear of losing Kyle gnawed at her, but she had to trust the Resistance's healers. They knew how to handle wounds like his. At least, she hoped they did.

Wes lingered by her side, his expression unreadable. "You should get some rest," he said quietly."I can't," Jayde murmured, shaking her head. "There's too much happening, and Kyle..."

Wes hesitated for a moment before taking a step closer to her. "Jayde, I've been worried about you. Since the moment we parted back at the academy, I've been thinking about you every single day."

His words caught her off guard. She had known Wes was important to her—had always felt a connection to him that went beyond their shared rebellion—but hearing him admit it so openly sent her heart racing.

"I missed you," Wes continued, his voice low and sincere. "Not just because of what's happening with the Regime, but because of you. I care about you, Jayde, more than I ever thought possible."

Jayde's breath caught in her throat. Wes's eyes, so full of emotion, bore into hers, making it impossible to look away. She felt the warmth of his hand brush against hers, and for a moment, the world around them seemed to fade.

Her heart pounded in her chest, torn between the rush of feelings Wes's confession stirred in her and the uncertainty that still hung between them. She had been through so much—her father's return, Kyle's injury, the relentless chase by the Regime. And now, standing here in the safety of the Resistance, she found herself conflicted.

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