After School Revelation

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Jayde sat at her desk, her foot bouncing under the table, a telltale sign of the anxiety creeping up her spine. The blank page of her notebook stared back at her, mocking her inability to focus. The looming assessment test hung over her like a storm cloud, ready to burst at any moment. She wasn't alone in this—Wes and Kyle, who sat nearby, wore matching expressions of unease as their teacher rattled on about the "new format" of the upcoming exams. Everyone was on edge, even if no one wanted to admit it.

The assessments had always been a big deal, but something about the way the teachers were talking about them now felt...different. Ominous, almost. Like this was more than just testing their knowledge and skills. It felt personal, as if these tests would peer into their souls and determine their entire futures.

Jayde tried to suppress a shudder.

"Do you think the assessments are really going to change everything?" Jayde whispered to Wes as she stared at the front of the classroom, where their teacher continued to explain how this year's test would go beyond the usual academic subjects.

Wes, who was doodling absentmindedly on his notebook, shrugged without looking up. "They say it's just a new format, but I don't buy it. They're always trying to figure out where we fit in, but this feels... different. Like they're trying to decide our entire futures with one test. And why so much secrecy around it?"

Kyle, sitting behind them, leaned forward, his voice barely above a whisper. "I overheard some of the teachers talking in the hallway. They mentioned something about 'new protocols' and 'behavioral evaluations.' Doesn't that sound creepy? I mean, they've always tested us for career paths, but this... feels like something else."

Jayde's stomach turned. "Behavioral evaluations? What do you think that even means?"

"I don't know," Kyle replied, his eyes flicking nervously around the classroom. "But I don't like it. They're not just assessing our knowledge—they're assessing us as people."

Wes let out a low whistle. "That sounds like they're trying to figure out what we're worth. You know, beyond just skills. Like they're going to rank us or something."

Jayde didn't respond, but her mind was racing. What if these tests went beyond that? What if they were meant to measure something deeper—like loyalty to the regime? Or even... potential threats?

"Hey, don't look so freaked out," Wes said, nudging her gently with his elbow. "We'll be fine. We've got each other's backs, right?"

Jayde forced a smile, but it didn't reach her eyes. "Right."

The bell rang, pulling them out of their anxious reverie, and they gathered their things. The usual hum of excitement as students filed out of the classroom was notably absent, replaced with low murmurs of concern. Jayde couldn't help but overhear snippets of conversations as they walked to the cafeteria for lunch.

"Do you think they'll find out about the stuff we do outside of school?"

"They wouldn't actually do that, would they? It's just a test..."

"Something about this doesn't sit right with me."

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