You saved me?

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"And then we walked to school together, and we talked like the whole way here and ahhhh! I'm just so happy!" Freddie smiled walked down the hallway with Brian to meet up with Roger for lunch.

"And then what happened when you got to school?" Brian asked just a bit nosey to see what was going on in Freddie personal life. He was happy for him of course, but nosey.

"Well, we went to first period and that was that, I'll see him after lunch though." Freddie shrugged holding the door open for him and Brian.

"look Anita there's your husband." Was the first thing out of Roger's mouth once they reached the table.

Their lunch table and while friend group was considered to be the weird group in school. They weren't weird of course just different. And they weren't afraid to show it. Especially Freddie.

It consisted of Freddie, Brian and Roger. Their newest recruits Anita and her good friend Mary who Freddie was found of and Tim Staffel. Who could be forgotten about sometimes, and by sometimes it means all the time. 

They greeted everyone before sitting down in their usual spots. Brian next to Anita and Roger, beside him Freddie and Mary and Tim would sit across.

"Mary darling I swear if you don't tell me where your shop is I'll never be able to be as stylish as you my dear." Freddie smiled. Mary waved her hand.

" Figure it out Farouk, it's around town you know." Mary laughed.

"Tim do we have band practice tonight or tomorrow?" Brian asked and Tim once again shrugged.

"Either way I won't be there, these guys that I've been hanging around..."

"Enough of those guys damn it! You three haven't had practice in months, now if I was your lead singer you'd never have this problem." Freddie groaned.

"No we'd just be late all the time." Roger smiled

"Better than not having practice at all." Anita suggested.

"HEY PAKI!" Voices called from behind them. 'Here we go' Freddie thought as he scanned the room.

"Oh hey Paul," Tim greeted. Paul, as he called himself had been one of 'the guys' Tim had been hanging around. Though everyone hated him.

Brian protectively slung an arm across Anita's shoulder as he glared at Paul taking a seat next to Tim and across from Freddie.

"Paki no carrots for the rabbit, that's something new." Paul said accentuating his teeth to make it look like he had an overbite similar to Freddie's.

"Good afternoon to you too Prenter." Freddie said bitterly.

"Why don't you and Tim go off to your lunch table. We're quite smooshed here." Anita tried shooing them off.

"I'm alright hot stuff, if your so smooshed come sit here." Paul patted his lap and Brian's arm became tighter around her shoulder.

"Hard pass Paul, thanks though." Anita sarcastically said and leaned her back into Brian. She knew he'd protect her.

"Your loss, Austin you want in?" Paul teased.

"Fuck off." Freddie almost spat out his water. He loved her comebacks to him.

Paul oohed and put his hands up. "Alright, you stay right there you little princess. That'll bite you in the ass someday." Paul said standing up.

He then walked over to Mary putting his hands in her shoulders. Hell no! She quickly batted him back with a quick punch to the nose.

"Pick on someone your own size." Mary sneered.

"Alright." Paul said after wiping the blood from his nose. He quickly stood up in the table smooshing Roger's lunch in the process.

" Eenie." He pointed to a girl sitting alone, " meanie." He pointed to another girl that sat in the corner squished in a ball. " minee." He pointed to a skinny boy.

"Mo!" He yelled pointing in the direction of another boy and jumping from one table to the next.

Freddie's heart sank when he realized he'd been pointing to John who sat on the edge of the last table in the room.

"SHIT!" Freddie yelled putting his hands in his head.

"Oh he's dead, Fred pick a new crush he's not surviving this beating." Roger laughed a bit like he was enjoying the chaos. (Which knowing him he probably was)

"OVER MY DEAD BODY!" Freddie yelled and sprinted across the lunchroom to where John was sitting.

The group all watched with bated breath as Freddie raced Paul across the lunch room. Who'd get to John first? Who's to say. Either way the outcome isn't gonna be pretty.

As Paul was in the last table about to pounce on John Freddie made it just in time. Paul pounced and with a thud tackled Fred to the floor.

Johns eyes bulged out of his head as the two of them fought right before his eyes. It lasted for a while until Brian and Roger held Freddie back as Tim held Paul.

"I can take more let me at him!" Freddie yelled.

"No Fred, you can't. Take it easy you look awful." Brian said concerned. Freddie had bruises all over him and a black eyes. All the blood had drained from his face which made him paler than a ghost.

Brian and Roger walked Freddie back to the table as Paul stormed off with Tim. John was still in shock but one thing was clear.

Was he... saving me?
The end of the day had finally come and with that was the promise that was the weekend. John wasn't all that chipper though. For starters the only bike he had had just been tarnished and now unridable and second he'd have to walk home, alone.

That was until he watched Freddie walk by, laughing as usual trailed by two of his other friends.

'Why not take the bus' he thought to himself. With a sigh he followed Freddie slowly and onto his bus.

"John!" Freddie exclaimed seeing him enter the bus. Freddie quickly slid out of the three seater with Brian and Roger and into a two seater. He grinned like a little kid and pattered the seat next to him, signaling John to come and sit.

He did.

"So, first time in the bus?" Freddie asked resting his chin on his hands.

"I used to take it back before I moved but yeah, first time in a while." John shrugged

"Well beats taking the subway. Not like you could but trust me. Those two and I have tried everything." Freddie pointed to Brian and Roger who then waved.

John giggled and Freddie thought his heart was melting, he really is the cutest. "That's Brian and Roger. They're kinda like my brothers, my really annoying brothers." Freddie introduced.

"So about your bike." Freddie turned to him again.

"Yes?" John asked.

"I know yours is kinda... unusual after the events of this morning. But you're in luck, I have some shitty ones in my shed. I'm sure with some arm grease we can get it working." Freddie suggested.

"Oh no I could never take something like a bike away from you." John waved his hands.

"Darling." Freddie grabbed onto John's arm and glared up at him.

"I insist. I can't ride a bike anyways." He smiled.

"Well, I still need a job." John smiled and Freddie hopped and jumped for joy.

"Wheel the bike over my place tonight, we have a garage we can work in." John invited.

Al of Freddie's dreams were coming true.

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