That damn cat

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The two boys laughed for hours as Freddie and John. (mostly John though) fixed up the bike. They talked about what music they liked, school drama. And soon the topic switched to Freddie's friend group.

"Now where did Mary come in?" John asked.

"Oh well, she and Brian originally dated in middle school but once Anita moved here well Brian was just crazy for her. I mean who wouldn't be? She kind, pretty, smart, she checks all those boxes." Freddie explained as he dangled his feel off of the little desk John had in the corner.

"Then how come you and her are so close?" John quizzed.

"We've been off and now for a while now. If I'm being honest I like her as a really good friend. Not like how I used to." Freddie admitted.

"Nothing wrong with that. Love is love, it's a messing thing." John shrugged off. Freddie smiled. It didn't mean John was gay but at least if Freddie were to ever tell him he was gay at least he would expect him.

"And now Anita was the one that met Tim first?" John asked.

"No dear, he came in once Brian and Roger got into being rockstars. I do have to say they'd make a hell of a rock group. A poodle and a gremlin." Freddie chuckled.

"I played bass a long time ago." John said suddenly.

"Did you?" Freddie jumped off the desk and went next to John.

"Yeah, me and my dad would play, we... we had to sell my bass though." John then got quiet.

"Where is your dad anyways? He doesn't work night shifts does he?" Freddie asked.

"He pasted not too long ago, we had to move here cuz we couldn't pay the bills. We've been strapped in money ever since." John sighed.

"I'm so sorry." Freddie stood in shock looking down at the boy.

"It's alright." The muttered.

He then stood up to admire the bike. John proudly put his hands on his hips. "Done." He announced.

"Took you long enough!" Freddie joked earning another cheeky grin from John.

"Well, I better be off. Don't want to get stuck in the cold again huh?" Freddie asked and opened the garage door to leave.

"Let me walk you home!" John offered quickly. Freddie smiled and nodded.

The two of them began to walk down the street. It was cold and wet but to Freddie nothing mattered but the boy beside him chatting away about one thing or another.

"I'm ready to see you on that bike of yours tomorrow morning." Freddie said

"I'll wave." John smiled.

"Hey, come sit with us on Monday. Paul won't give you such a hard time if you sit with us." Freddie invited.

"What was he doing? Jumping on the tables and such." John asked.

"That's his fucked up way of winding up to fight someone. I couldn't watch you get hurt. So I stepped in. You're kinda like my really good friend now so your fights are my fights." Freddie's cheeks flushed.

"Best friends?"John took a strand of hair and pushed it back into his ear.

"Yeah... best friends." Freddie and John turned and smiled at each other.

"Meow!" Called a cat. Its meows grew bigger and more desperate. John and Freddie turned to see a kitten once again stuck in a tree.

"Is that the same one?" Freddie asked. John slapped his head and nodded.

"I made the mistake of feeding it and giving it milk. Now she follows me and gets stuck in trees wherever I go." John sighed.

"Well don't just stand there go get the poor thing!" Freddie demanded and John began to climb the tree.

John carefully cupped the little kitten in his arms and slowly climbed down the tree until his feet were once again planted on the ground next to Fred's.

"Oh little one there there." Freddie comforted the little kitten as John passed her over to Freddie.

"I named her Janis or Jan after-"

"Janis Joplin?" Freddie guessed and John nodded.

"Well aren't you the cutest." Freddie nuzzled the little kitten.

"We should keep her as a shared pet. After he be an outdoor cat by day and then at night one of us will look after her." John suggested.

"Oh I'd love that!" Freddie exclaimed and hugged John tightly.

"You should take her tonight. I fed her this morning so you'll have to give her something but she'll be alright." John said and Freddie nodded excitedly.

"Oh John you've made me the happiest boy alive. Oh Janis when we get him I'm gonna give you a bath and cuddles and we can watch tv and-"

"Fred, we're here." John said pointing to the house.

"Oh- I guess we are." Fred was a bit disappointed now that they had to part ways.

"I'll cya in the morning, on my new bike." John smiled.

"And I'll be waiting." Freddie took a leap of faith, kissing John on the cheek and running inside kitten in toe.

John stood there in shock, then smiled, pressing his hand up to where Freddie lightly pecked him.

Shit he was falling for him wasn't he?

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