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Of course this is out before the next chapter of what lays ahead 🤦‍♀️ that's my bad guys but to hold you over until god knows when here's this little mini series. Updates will be sporadic, but it's something. As some of you might notice the first chapter is just one of the parts of my one shot series but everything else is fresh. Anyways hope you love this and please forgive me about what lays ahead I'm so tired and field hockey is working my ass off lol ❤️
Freddie watched with dreamy eyes as the paper boy once again passed by his house flawlessly throwing the news paper his father read onto the front lawn.

He'd seen him at school and even had a few classes with the shy boy by could never muster up the courage to talk to him. But god what a forbidden fruit it was to watch him bike past his house every morning before school. And how much it hurt on Sundays when the boy never came round.

"Farrokh you're going to be late for the third time this week if you don't quit day dreaming and go to that bus stop!" His mother called from the kitchen.

"Yes ma ma, leaving now." He groaned.

He threw his scarf across his neck and shoved his hands in his pockets as he walked down the dark street to the bus stop where Bri and Rog would be waiting.

"Lover boy come round this morning?" Roger teased as Freddie reached the end of the street.

"He did, thanks for asked." Freddie sarcastically said.

"I don't understand why you can't just make a move on him already, the kid doesn't talk to anyone, he's quiet and obviously smart cuz he's in horrors math with me. Ceased an opportunity or something." Brian scolded.

"Easier said than done, and the kid doesn't talk to anyone cuz no one talks to him. He is new after all." Freddie reasoned.

"Well then, maybe you should." Roger shrugged.

The bus then pulled up and while Roger continued to talk to Brian Freddie thought to himself then smirked. Yeah, maybe he should be the one to talk to him.

Freddie watched intently as the paper boy took his seat in front of Freddie as usual. They didn't have sighed seats but anywhere where Freddie sat the paper boy sat in front of him. (Which Freddie never had a problem with)

Though today the boy was late.

"Mr deacon, you're soaking wet and 10 minutes late. Mind explaining to the class where you're coming from?" The teacher asked glaring down at the boy.

"Uhm, there was a cat stuck in a tree by the east wing, I didn't want the poor thing to get soak. So a climbed up and got him." He explained.

"And where would that cat be now Mr Deacon?" The teacher asked.

The boy took the leaver bag he had for storing papers and opened it. Inside was the small kitten.

Freddie gasped seeing it and the teacher threw a fit.


Freddie got up and gently picked up the little kitten from the bag and cradled it in his arms.

" Mr. Bulsara, you put that down immediately!" The teacher demanded.

"It's not a 'that' it's a kitten!" Freddie said holding the kitten up to the teacher who batted his arms away.

" Mr. Bulsara would you like to join Mr. Deacon in detention?" The teacher said hands in her hips. Freddie looked back at the boy already packing up his things and standing up from his desk.

He knew what he had to do.

" I'd gladly join him, thank you for inviting me too." Freddie smiled grabbing his own bag with the kitten still in his arms and marching out of the door behind John.

"I can't believe that they criticized you for saving this little kitten here. You should be a hero!" Freddie exclaimed to the paper boy.

"I'm not, I'm just a good person." The boy said and walked faster past Freddie and into the detention hall.
"And then you'll never believe what he did next!" Freddie smiled ear to ear on the bus ride home that evening.

"What Fred? What he do?" Brian smiled sarcastically.

"He actually went to detention. I'm in love with a good boy." Freddie threw his hands up.

"You know most kids do that too, you just don't give a shit about authority." Roger rolled his eyes.

"Pot calling the kettle black, and where's the kitten?" Brian asked.

"Oh I let it go back in Miss Johnson's classroom. You'll never believe how loud that woman yells." Freddie smirked.

"You better get it back so it doesn't wonder up a tree again." Brian suggested as the bus stopped and the three of them got off.

"I think that kids my neighbor, he's the one that moved into the blue house at the end of Kleton, right?" Roger asked and Freddie nodded.

"I think so, he passes my house every morning coming down from that detection so I'd think that's the case." Freddie answered

"Creep much?" Brian smirked.

"Hey I'm not as bad as you! Anita this Anita that Anita everything everywhere." Freddie mocked earning a shove onto his front lawn.

"Cya lover boy." Roger smirked.

" Prick." Freddie muttered, dusting himself off before getting up and walking inside.

The next morning Freddie expectedly stared at the window, waiting for the paper boy to pass by.

As expected, the boy rode by slowly and threw the paper onto Freddie's lawn. Though when he tried to stop completely something happened with the breaks throwing the boy over the handle bars. Freddie gasped and ran outside to help the boy.

"My god you alright dear? Here let me help you." Freddie said helping the paper boy off the ground.

"Thank you." He hissed. They both then looked back at his bike which was now a sad look piece of metal in the side of the road.

"Dear you're bleeding, let's get you inside." Freddie said taking the boys blood covered hand and taking him inside and running him up to his room.

The boy had ripped both of his knees open damaging his jeans and had scraped his right hand to the point where it bled.

He sat in Freddie's bed as Freddie rushed to grab the med kit from the bathroom. He came back with some bandaids, peroxide and cotton balls.

"This might sting." Freddie warned as he put the peroxide on the cotton ball and gently dabbed it onto his knees.

The paper boy hissed out in pain a few times but as Freddie worked his way through his wounds he became more calm.

As Freddie dabbed the cotton ball on his hand the boy noticed that he'd been gently drawing circles with his thumb on the boys palm.

Oddly, that put the boy more at ease.

"There, all done. Wasn't so bad right?" Freddie asked putting on the last bandaid. The boy shook his head.

"We've missed the bus by now, I would offer you a ride in my bike but it looks like those days are over." The boy frowned.

"Well then, we'll walk." Freddie smiled pulled John off his head.

"I'm Freddie." Freddie smiled shaking the right hand of the boy.

"I'm John." He returned his smile.

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