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2 days later
I'm going to be leaving for Milan tomorrow.

I just got back from lunch with Lexi. She drove herself there since I took her to go get her license yesterday. She was pretty stoked, but wished her mom was there for her in that important moment in her life.

I guess her and Madison are still fighting. She was talking about it the whole time we were at lunch and stuff. I actually don't mind it. She doesn't annoy me at all. I'm happy to know that I can be the one friend she can fall back on when the rest are turning on her.

I love being able to drive. You may be wondering; "What car are you driving?" Well, I'm driving my mom's car. Hehe. Little sneaky huh?

If she found out she would KILL me. This is her BRAND new car. Her new baby. Eh. Who cares. Haha.

Me and Lucky were just at lunch. We went to In-N-Out. Actually my first time there. I absolutely loved it!

Today I am the happiest that I have been in so long. It feels...... amazing. I love being able to smile for no reason at all.

The weather is priceless today. I absolutely love it! I'm listening to feel again by one republic. The song makes me happy.

But with you, I feel again.

I love that verse. It reminds me of Cameron. Before him I was so messed up and done with crap. But when I met him, I was just like swept off of my feet. I don't wanna think about Cameron. Lucky pops into my head. His laugh, his smile, his crystal blue eyes that still remind me of the ocean. He's truly, amazing.

My thoughts were interrupted by the buzzing of my iPhone. I look over at it lying in the front seat and it reads 'Demetri' I pock my phone up still paying attention to the road and answer it.

"Hello?" I say.

I hear loud talking.

"Oh hi darling. I just wanted to let you know that we are going to Milan for a fashion show tomorrow. since you are new to this whole modeling thing, I would love if you would join us." He says.

I slam my breaks on and pull over into a parking lot.

"W-What? Really?" Is all I manage to spit out.

I hear him sarcastically laugh.

"No. I just thought I would ask for no reason at all." He says.

I furrow my brows.

"Of course! And if you decide to go then I need to know now so I can buy your plane ticket." He says.

I search around the car for words to say.

"Yes!" Just runs out of my mouth. "I will." I blurt.

"Great. See you at 4 in the morning." He says before cutting off.

I stare at my phone screen as if I just saw a scandalous picture.

I can't believe I said yes. I have to ask my mom first. What if she says no?! What do I do?

I dial my mom's number and it rings 3 times before she picks up.

"Hey mom!" I say.

"Hey honey. I'm kind of busy right now can I call you back later?" She asks.

"I just called to ask a quick question." I say
"Okay ask." She says.

I hesitate for for a second before taking a deep breathe.

"Can I go to Milan tomorrow? I already got a ticket bought for me." I say

I'm so nervous.

"Milan?!" She shouts.

Rescued||Lucky Blue Smith (STILL WRITING)Where stories live. Discover now