twenty four

318 8 3

I look over at my mom who is currently paying attention to the road.

I'm finally going home. I got re-enrolled into school.

I wonder how people are gonna react once they figure out that I'm not dead.

Am I gonna get alot of hate?  I have been getting positive messages on twitter and instagram.

My "fans" have been blowing up my DMs.

"You ready?" Madison asks me.

"Not really." I say.

I dig my fingernails into my self harm scars.

She grabs my hand and looks at me.

"Stop." She says. "You're gonna be completely fine.  If anyone messes with you, I'll beat their ass."

I laugh slightly.

"Let's do this." I say.

I squeeze her hand as we walk up the steps.

The memorial is gone.

She told me about it.

Everyone stares and gasps.

"Lexi?!" I hear.

I turn around and see Gilinsky and Johnson.

I let go of Madisons hand and run into Johnsons arms.

He squeezes my body and we stay like this for about 1 minute.

We let go and he kisses the top of my head.

"Oh my god." He says.

I look over at Gilinsky and Madison who are both staring at eachother awkwardly.

"You're dead. This isn't real, I'm dreaming." Johnson says as he rubs his eyes.

I move his hands from his face and look at him.

"You're definitely not dreaming." I say 

We both laugh.

He cups my face with his hands.

"Don't ever do that again Lexi." He says before smashing his lips to mine.

I immediately pull away.

"Jack." I whisper.

I lean into his ear.

"I have a boyfriend." I say.

"I-I'm sorry." He says.

We both pull away and look at Madison and Gilinsky.

"You ready to go to class?" Madison asks me.

I nod.

We both walk off.

"What's going on with you and Gilinsky?" I Ask her.

"We uh, we kind of broke up." She says.

That explains why she looks so poorly put together today. She's upset.

"I'm sorry." I say before pulling her into a hug.

Lexi: I can't wait to see you after school ;)

Me: same here beautiful ;)

Lexi: I'm gonna do so many things to you ;)

Me: stop. I'm getting excited just thinking about it

Lexi: you should come get me.

Me: on my way.

"Ms. James please put your phone away." The teacher says from in the front of the room.

I quickly put my phone into my hoodie pocket.

Everyone around is staring at me and I feel uncomfortable.

"Ms. James, you're being signed out." The teacher says.

Yay! I get to see Lucky!

I grab my bag and head out of the classroom.

I walk to the office and drop my bag.

My father is here, not Lucky.

"Lexi." He says walking towards me.

I back away quickly.

"Don't touch me!" I Shout.

The office ladies look at us.

"Lexi, please talk to me." He begs.

"I'm going back to class." I say picking my bag up.

He grabs my arm and this time his fingers go all the way around since I've lost weight.

I yank my arm away and walk out of the office.

My heart starts to rapidly beat. The memories of that night start swarming in.  I can't hold the tears back.

I drop my bag to the concrete and drop to my knees. I crouch down and hold my knees to my chest.

"Lexi?!" I hear soemone shout.

I look up and see Lucky.

He rushes over to me and crouches down next to me.

He wraps his arms around me and pulls me to his chest.

He rubs my back.

"It's okay baby." He coos.

I sob into his chest.

*at Luckys house.*

"Thank you." I say grabbing his hand and wrapping the sheet around my bare chest.

"Don't mention it." He smiles before kissing my forehead.

I am sorry that this chapter is short!!

But I'm so stoked that I got over 1k reads on this story!! :)

I have my watt pad friends to thank for it :)

Please go read my sam wilk, and jack Gilinsky fanfictions!!

I love you guys so much!!

Comment 'Higgle bottoms' if you're still reading this.

Love you again!!

Xoxo, Gossip Girl

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