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After silence for about 10 minutes, I break it.

"Are you still mad?" I ask her.

"I don't know." She answers.

"If anything I should be mad at you." I blurt.

Shit. I shouldn't have.

Her head swivels around and her eyes bury themselves into mine searching for answers.

"Why would you be mad at me?" She asks me.

"I shouldn't have." I say.

She looks nervous.

"Tell me." She says 

Great. Here it all goes. All my feelings for her are about to come out.

"I.....I like you." I say.

It's out. Cannot come back in.

She inches her head back.

"Why should you be mad at me about that?" She asks me.

"Because I like you alot, and the other day, I heard you tell Cameron you still love him....." I say.

Her facial expression twists and she looks pale.

This cannot be happening. Not right now. No. I can't do this.

"You....you did?" I ask him.

He nods and puts his head down.

"Oh god." I say resting my fingers in my hair.

My eyes begin watering. I need to get up and move around or something. I feel clostraphobic right now.

My breathing speeds up rapidly and I can feel a panic attack coming.

"Lexi? Are you okay?" Luckys asks me fully aware of what's going on.

Pyper and Mrs. Smith are staring at us with wide eyes. They are in the seats next to us.

She sounds like she's having an asthma attack or something.

I knew I shouldn't have said anything.

"Help! She can't breathe!" I hear my mom shout.

Everyone around us is staring.

"What's going on?" Pyper asks nervously.

A flight attendant rushes over to us and tells everyone to move out of the way.

Lexi begins to cry and her eyes begin to roll back.

I go to grab her but someone pulls me back.

I don't wanna see her like this.

The flight attendant tries to calm her down but fails.

She gets up and speed walks away.

"What? Where is she going?" I ask.

I see the little oxygen thing pop out from above.

The flight attendant comes running back.

She places the oxygen mask around Lexi.

Her eyes completely roll back and her head rests on the seat.

The flight attendant rubs her head and whispers things to her.

My mom and Pyper have their hands over their mouths.

Lexi's eyes open and she flickers them.

The flight attendant moves out of the way so we are able to sit.

Rescued||Lucky Blue Smith (STILL WRITING)Where stories live. Discover now