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I make my way to In-N-Out. If she won't go with me, then I will just go by myself. I clench my steering wheel in anger and I soon punch the center.

Why do I always seem to mess up? I finally have her, yet here we are in another 'disagreement'.

I pull into the In-N-Out parking lot and I soon get out of the car. I walk in and hear loud laughing. I ignore it.

I order my food and hear giggles behind me.

I ignore it yet again.

I wait for my food and hear the giggles again.

Being pissed off at other people's happiness I turn around and anger builds up inside me.

Why is Lexi here with Cameron, Jack, the other Jack, and Madison?

She didn't even go with me!

I grab my tray of food and walk over to their table.

Jack shoves another fry in my mouth. I'm doing choked up giggles. He goes to shove another one in before I stop his hand. He laughs.

"What's the problem? Can't fit another one in your mouth?" He teases.

Cameron and him join in laughing.

"Oh shiiiiiiiit." Madison says.

We all turn our attention on towards her and Jack. They are all looking up at something.

I turn my head over and I can't help but laugh.

Lucky caught me.


"What are you doing here?" I ask him.

"The real question here is, what are YOU doing here with them?" he asks.

He looks very pissed off. I have never seen him look that angry before. I'm actually kind of scared.

"I'm here with my friends." I say before giggling.

He does the 'wow.' Laugh and rolls his eyes.

"What?" I ask him.

Shit. I spoke before my mind could react.

"Nothing, you're just ridiculous." He says.

The unlit match in my body has now slightly ignited.

"I'm ridiculous?" I say pointing to myself.

He nods and purses his lips.

"Atleast I don't tell you who you can and can't talk to, I don't point out your stupid mistakes." I hit back.

He scoffs.

"Oh my god, get over yourself Lexi." He says.

"Hey!" Madison says trying to get up without falling on her face.

Jack pulls her back down into her seat.

I find myself grabbing onto Jacks hand. I squeeze. He can tell I'm scared.

Lucky looks down and sees my hand connected with Jacks.

The anger I saw earlier has now turned into fury.

He inches closer to me.

I scoot back and I'm am basically in Jacks lap.

The anger in his eyes makes me feel like he's gonna turn into the hulk smasher thing and slam me into the wall.

"Dude, calm down." Cameron says seeing the fury on his face.

Oh no Cameron. I cringe.

"Excuseme?" Lucky says.

Rescued||Lucky Blue Smith (STILL WRITING)Where stories live. Discover now